Hook Line and Screamer

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I was sitting with the other contestants watching a horror movie Chris picked out it's one id already seen before Blood Bath.

"He's coming out of the woods with a big hacking chainsaw awesome" I say smirking

"Oh no the psycho killer is going for the car" Bridgette said eyes wide

"Fool couple stop making out and start the car" Leshawna yelled throwing popcorn at the screen.

"Ugh everyone is always so dumb in horror films" I complain

"Holy crap the car won't start" Bridgette said

The lady in the film started running "here comes the blood fest" Gwen and I said as the lady got cut by the chainsaw

"This is so lame daydream on birch street is way better" heather said

The killer got away "good ending I love horror movies blood bath 2, crazy, silence of the cows you name it" I said

*Duncan is confessional*
any chick that likes horror movies that much is ok in my books

Dj lets out a relived sigh "am I ever glad that's over I really hate scary movies"

"Wuss" I scoffed

Duncan smirked "what scared you more the part where everyone meets a grizzly death or the psycho killer with the hook" he pulled out a prop hook making Dj scream and jump onto Leshawnas lap

*dj in confessional*
Dude that was not cool

*Me in confessional*
Man needs to grow a pair

"Oh come on there was hardly any hacking not like blood bath 2: summer camp rain of terror" Duncan says

"No way that's my favorite movie I love when the killer jams that guys head in the lawn mower" Gwen said doing the motion

"Or when he pushes the chick of the dock and she lands on a propeller cutting her in half" Duncan says

"Or when he guts a girl and hands he on a tree with her intestines" I said

"Or when he shoves that guys head into the wood chipper" the three of us say together laughing

"Awe looks like Duncan and Gwen have more in common then bad fashion sense, it's just mindless guts and gore " Heather said unamused

"Horror movies aren't mindless" Gwen said

"Yeah they're loaded with psychological trauma look at dj" Duncan said as dj trembled still in Leshawnas arms

"And some people like guts and gore" I added

Heather groaned "whatever goth girl and punk guy love each other and Tammy likes horror, get over it, goes anyone know what our challenge will be his week" heather said

"Yeah where's the Chris mister" Geoff said while eating popcorn

Come to think of it I hadn't seen him for hours now usually he would be watching us and me. That's when I saw chef loading bags onto a boat and Chris driving away on it as fast as he could

"Hey yo chef where's the fire" Duncan asked "Chris..." I call out confused but they were already so far away in the boat they didn't here us. There was one bag left behind and Bridgette picked it up a newspaper dropping out of it

"escaped psycho killer on the loose be on the lookout for a man wearing a hockey mask with a hooked hand and carrying a chainsaw" Bridgette read

"Oh come on they don't expect us to fall for this scary movie followed by rushed exit followed by strategy placed lame prop" Heather said
"I don't know they seemed pretty spooked" Dj said
"P-lease it's just part of their lame stunt to freak us out" Heather said

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