Another day another challenge

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I was sleeping soundly....dreaming about Chris and I, and right as we were about to kiss


A bull horn goes off. I shot out of bed and Lindsay hit her head on the ceiling "Ow!" she groaned in pain.

"Ugh what's going on I was having a good dream" I said half asleep.

"About what?" Sadie asked "oh my gosh remember that time you dreamt that aliens were taking over and then you totally freaked out" Katie says giggling "yeah and the I threw water at our mums" Sadie laughed "that was so funny" Katie said

"Anyway it was about Chris" I said dreamily.

I laid back down and pulled my sleep mask back down "let's go Tammy" Lindsay said.

"I'm asleep" I said pulling up the covers "well wake up" Lindsay says "come on sleepy head" Sadie said. Both her and Katie pulled the covers away.

I gave up and got up. I looked at my Chris posters "i like Chris already is it bad that I like Chris already?" I ask "you mean like as a friend or like like" Katie asked "like like but this is just between you three ok" I said to Katie, Sadie and Lindsay. They nodded in agreement. I went and had a morning shower before getting dressed.

"Morning, hope you slept well" Chris said

"You woke me from the best dream in history" I said sadly still not over the fact I missed kissing him in my dream "sorry about that Tammy" Chris said with sympathy.

"What as the dream about?" Heather asked

"Nothing" I said quickly, turning my head to hide my slight blush and nervous facial expression. Chris was a few feet away from me, no way was I spilling my fantasy dream about kissing him he'd probably hate me forever i mean what pycho dreams about a guy she just met a day ago? Well I've dreamt about him before I met him but still.

"Sounds pretty boring" Chris said with a small smirk.

"Hi Chris, you look really buff in those shorts" Heather said in a flirty tone "he's mine" I whispered to her.

"I hope your all ready because your next challenge begins in exactly one minute" Chris told us

"Uh excuse me! I don't know if that's enough time to eat breakfast" Owen said.

"Oh you'll get breakfast Owen right after you complete your twenty kilometre run around the lake" Chris told us.

Ok running not my strong suit every time I run it feels like my lungs are on fire and like im literally dying


"Oh so your funny now you know what I think would be funny!" Eva said going over to Chris, Geoff and Duncan held her back.

"Your enjoying this aren't you" Eva yelled in her anger tantrum.

"A little" Chris said happily "pycho" I said glaring at Eva. "Now anyone got running problems?" Chris asked. "I get burning lungs and my legs ache" I said before anyone else. "Ok congrats you get to ride on my scooter with me" Chris said. "Thank you" I said giving him a quick hug.

"Ok everyone else at the starting line, on your marks, get set, Go!" Chris said making everyone except me start running. "You ready to see some losers run?" Chris asked half laughing. I got on the back of the scooter "you bet" I said smirking. He started it up and we were on our way.

Heather, Gwen, Harold, Katie and Sadie were walking. The rest were running some were struggling.

"Pick it up people! Your not back by dinner you don't eat!" Chris yelled at the runners "my dog runs faster than you!" I yell taunting them "good one" Chris said.

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