Chapter 11

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 Chapter 11

At some point during the night Harry managed to fall asleep, though not for long. His dreams were all about Louis, and Louis taking Hannah away, and Louis leaving, and Louis hating him. With one last terrible nightmare about Louis Harry woke up for the fifth time that night and just gave up on trying to sleep. He got up and put his slippers on before walking downstairs. It was around 4 in the morning and Harry was so tired, so he walked into the kitchen as he yawned. He made himself a nice cup of coffee – even though he liked tea better he needed something o wake him up – and went to the living room after it was ready. Behaving like a proper 30 years old man he got the newspaper from that day as he sat down on the couch and put his feet on the coffee table. The only thing missing were glasses and a robe, and it would turn into a proper 60’s TV show scene. As his eyes roamed through the paper he felt himself forgetting about Louis, so he read read and read until he heard tiny ittle footsteps of bare feet making their way to the living room. He casted his eyes upwards to find the owner of the small sounds only to realise it had been a long time since he went downstairs since the sun was already fully out.

“Mummy?” a tiny voice asked as a kid walked into the living room. Her blonde hair on her shoulders – she probably cut it since it had been bigger last time Harry saw her. She was yawning and rubbing her eyes tiredly as he looked for her mum. Harry grinned at her and put the newspaper down along with his empty cup of coffee

‘Good morning, Doris” he greeted her with a husky voice. After so long crying and barely speaking his voice was hoarse but slowly coming back to normal. Harry hadn’t seen her in such a long time and she was s grown up. When she finally focused on her surroundings and saw Harry she gasped and ran into his arms

“UNCLE HARRY:” She shouted as she hugged him tight and buried her face in his neck making him grin and hug her tight. They hugged for a long time before Harry pulled away taking a good look at her

“You’ve grown so much! Look at you. And you cut your hair. You look so beautiful!” he said grinning and she blushed giggling in embarrassment. They were interrupted by jay who walked in followed by Ernest wanting to see what was that commotion about. When Ernest saw Harry his eyes widened and his reaction was pretty much the same as Doris’s. Harry grinned hugging him back though this time Doris joined the hug. After a good minute they pulled away and Harry looked at the both of them in awe as he pointed out every little thing that had changed on them since the last time he had seen them. Then it was Ernest’s turn to point out what had changed about Harry

“You’re old!” he pointed out with a loud giggle making Harry gasp in fake offence. Ernest and Doris were both 12. Despite their age they still acted a bit childish. Harry would say it was because of the influence Louis had over them, but Louis didn’t even know them. He had vanished 5 years before they were born. They however did know who Louis was not really understanding why he left but not really caring either. After the hugs and catching up they all sat down on the table in the kitchen to have a nice breakfast. Right after they ate Doris and Ernest went upstairs and got ready for school before leaving. Jay sat down in front of Harry on the kitchen table and smiled softly

“Are you feeling better, dear?” she asked with a smile as she took his hand gently and ran his thumb over his knuckles

“Yeah. I’m feeling better.” He answered with a nod and smiled at her “I haven’t been thinking much about this whole situation and I guess it’s just for the best. I like it here. Quiet and peaceful. Much different from London.”  He said as he sighed and squeezed her hand gently before getting up and letting go “You know what?” he asked her “I’m gonna go out for a relaxing walk on the park” he announced and she chuckled

Hannah (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now