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Okay guys, I'll be frank. I hate this story. I hate the fact that I'm spending my time and putting actual effort into this to receive minimum response. I truly truly hate the fact that I seem to have to beg for comments whenever I post a new chapter. I hate this story because as a writer i need to start showing people my work so I can actually become a publish writer one day. And what use is it to tell people I have a story with 22K reads on Wattled if when they ask me to show it to them I can't. Not only because it's gay but because most people in the whole world find MPREG creepy. So I hate the fact that I'm wasting precious time on this when I should be writing things I can ACTUALLY SHOW SOMEONE SOMEDAY. If only I got response without having to beg for it that would probably make it all better but it's not happening. I've tried everything before and the number of reads per chapter just keeps going down and down and at this point I really wanna give up, like for real. I really see no point in finishing this story. But I like this story. I like the plot and what I plan to do with it. But I need to compromise something here. I really don't know what I'm gonna do. Even if I discontinue it I won't delete it. I'm gonna take some time to try and figure out what to do. I might finish this in a very short and resumed way or not finish it at all. I'm sorry for disappointing all of you but it's just not doable anymore. There is a high chance I will finish it because I really want to. I'll let you know ASAP.

Love you,


Hannah (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now