Chapter 21

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Hannah - Chapter 21

Louis would be lying if he said the punch didn't take him by surprise. And he would also be lying if he said the punch didn't hurt. It hurt like hell and the impact was so strong he fell on the ground. Harry seemed to be so out of himself and he didn't seem to have realised what he had done. Louis tried to focus his eyes but it was a daunting task. Harry was breathing heavily as he towered over Louis' body sprawled on the floor. He looked plain scary.

Louis tried really hard not to but he winced and scurried away from Harry, not wanting him to hurt him further. He knew he had broken the rule about taking things slow and not pressuring harry but he didn't think the repercussions would be that brutal. He knew harry hadn't meant it. He'd never hurt Louis on purpose but Louis hadn't seen him in 17 years and maybe he had changed. There was no way of knowing. Louis had to guard for his own safety.

They stood like that for quite a while. Breathing heavily and not moving. Harry's face was blank and he wasn't looking at Louis but he wasn't looking away either. He was staring out into the empty space. Louis had his eyes locked on Harry, ready to make a move if he went for it again. What happened afterward he didn't expect thought. Harry blinked several times as if regaining consciousness. He looked at Louis blankly and turned around before sitting down on the porch and burying his face into his hands.

Louis knew he was sobbing. He knew Harry had just hurt himself more than he hurt Louis. But Louis couldn't bring himself to go anywhere near Harry, his throbbing eye being a painful reminder of what the curly haired man was capable of. Louis didn't move for a little bit, neither did Harry. So he took the chance and ran inside, slamming the door behind him. Louis was absolutely terrified at this point. He had never seen Harry this distressed and it was all his fault.

He loved Harry, he really did. But he could see how much pain he was causing him by just being there. He had to leave. For Harry and for himself because if he didn't everything could be ruined forever. He couldn't blame Harry. Louis was just his ex who had left him for 17 years, not his lover or anything. It was just like a boys fight. Except Louis didn't hit back, not wanting to.

He was quick to pack his bag, going around the house and collecting his things, only leaving behind what he thought Harry could need over the course of a few days. He also wrote him a little note explaining to him why he was leaving and telling him he hoped they could try again once Harry was feeling better. He grabbed his things and went outside to find Harry sitting in the exact same position. He hadn't stopped crying. If anything he was crying even harder.

Louis just walked past him and into his car. He turned it on and took a long look at Harry, trying to memorise every beautiful thing about him in case he never got to see him again. Louis was leaving for Harry and for himself. He couldn't stay there and cause them both so much pain. And after a last look Louis drove away, not looking back once.


Minutes went by. Then hours went by. Harry didn't move for hours and hours. Louis left at about 5pm and Harry only moved when it was about 11pm. To say the boy was devastated was an understatement. When Harry finally got up he went inside, closed the door behind him and laid on the couch. He closed his eyes and hoped the day before hadn't happened at all. Or at least part of it. So he fell asleep. With pain in his heart, hating himself for what he did.


Harry woke up to the familiar scent of strawberries mixed with vanilla. That was Louis' smell. Feeling a light weight on his chest Harry opened his eyes and saw louis laying peacefully on it, fast asleep. He was breathing evenly and he looked so beautiful. Harry brought his hand up and touched his cheek ever so lightly, not wanting to wake him up but wanting to feel his skin, wanting to know that he was really there and this wasn't just a dream.

Louis' eyes fluttered open and he looked up at Harry with a bright smile. "Good morning, cutie" he said with his raspy morning voice from just having woken up

"Sorry for waking you up, lovely. You can go back to sleep if you'd like" Harry assured him but the situation seemed way too familiar

"I'd rather have you kiss me good morning" whispered the boy in Harry's arms. Harry happily complied but when their lips touched it felt like kissing a ghost.

Only upon opening his eyes Harry realised that Louis' bruise from yesterday wasn't there. And he looked so much younger than he did just the day before. About 15 years younger to be specific.

"What's wrong, love? You look like you've seen a ghost" Louis' face turned from a beautiful smile into an ugly scowl, his teeth turned sharp and his lips looked stretched. His eyes went red with green pupils and his hair started floating. Soon enough he was letting out a devilish laughter. He looked Harry dead in the eye and then jumped on him, ready to tear him to pieces.


Harry woke up screaming. His whole body was sweating and shaking. He felt tears streaming down his face and tried to calm himself down. It took him a couple minutes to figure out that he was back in the real world and that Louis wasn't the Devil. But he also remembered he had hit Louis, punched him, right in the eye. What kind of person was he?

He tried not to think all day. Not to think about Louis the angel who got hurt by him or Louis the devil from his dream who tried to hurt him. He took a shower, ate breakfast, read a book, made lunch, watched TV, went out for a run, took another shower, made dinner, watched more TV and fell asleep again. He managed to successfully not think about Louis or about what he had done to him the whole day, promising himself he would find a solution the following day. But that never happened.

For five days Harry followed this stupid boring routine over and over, refusing to think about Louis. He kept promising himself he would find a way to fix it but it just seemed like there was no way out. He had hurt Louis to a point where an apology wasn't even valid. He was a proper ass. He hadn't done it on purpose, he had just lost control. Harry had never hit anyone before in his life. And he hated the fact that Louis was the first one. Or that Louis was one at all. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2015 ⏰

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