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I couldn't move.

Mena was pregnant with the enforcer's pup. I knew that whatever history they had was ugly and complicated, their reactions to each other explained that much, but I would never have imagined that it went that far. Perhaps a rejection taken badly on his part or something of the like, but never that they actually had a relationship. It didn't matter what type of relationship exactly, all that mattered was that it ended in her getting pregnant with another male's pup.

Alex was snarling violently in my head, ready to rip the male that thought that he could put a pup inside our mate to pieces, the male who had the audacity not to high tail it away from our pack the moment he realized that she was here and that she was ours. It didn't matter to him that it was before we met her, he saw her as ours and to know that the enforcer had been intimate with her was enough to give him the death sentence. I could see Mena pale instantly when the words ripped their way through the air, see Dominic realize his mistake as soon as the words left his mouth. The enforcer didn't seem affected as I thought he would be, he didn't even falter when the words hit him. I would imagine that any male who had lost a pup would be saddened, that his face would instantly show the loss. He was still annoyed and angry, no more and no less than before.

He didn't leave me confused as to why this was for very long.

"I didn't even want the damn pup, and neither did she!"

His rebuttal was met with absolute silence for about two seconds. The silence that held foreboding, that told you whatever was to come would not be good. I made the mistake of shifting my gaze to Dominic, he was the one Daniel was targeting after all, when I should have been keeping my eyes on Mena. The moment my sights left her, the most terrifying growl I'd ever heard come from a female sent almost every wolf in the vicinity to their knees. The only ones still standing were myself, my father, Terry (the other enforcer), Dominic, Brock and Daniel- although he was hunched over from the force of her. It seemed as if her very essence had leaked out of her, letting every single wolf know exactly how powerful she really was.

I wanted to marvel at the woman I chose as my mate, but the recent revelation had left a bitter taste at the back of my throat. I couldn't dwell on it, because as soon as the growl escaped her Mena partially shifted further, faster than any female I'd seen. I didn't even think it was possible for her to shift any more before giving way to the fur side completely. Her eyes now the colour of her wolf, fangs bared and legs in a offensive stance, her intentions were very clear. She was going to take this male out or die trying.

"We wanted our pup, and you caused it's death! You are the one who made her  this way, I should have put you down like the dog you are years ago." It was the wolf talking, her words slightly distorted by the growls fighting their way through her chest and her extended jaw.

The enforcer made Mena what way? Did the wolf mean that it was because of him that she wouldn't accept a mate, or that he was the reason she had trust issues? I wanted to tear the enforcer's head off, stop her and ask all the questions that ran through my mind, but I couldn't find my voice. I couldn't move or speak- only watch.

"You're welcome to try little wolf, but know that if you fail, I'm sending you to the moon." Daniel grinned, seemingly ecstatic at the challenge. A snarl escaped my throat as soon as the words escaped his, but Dane held me back as Mena shifted completely, immediately charging toward her prey.

"If your partner comes close to ending my mate, I will be skinning him slowly. You will join him if you try to stop me, is that clear?" I growled to Terry, not taking my eyes off of the two wolves ripping fur and flesh from the other.

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