12-Time & Space

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Ares' family saved me from having to formulate a response.

"There you two are! Ares, you can't keep her to yourself forever." His mother playfully scowled, causing him to sigh.

"She's only been here for a few days, mother. Give her a break." I could feel the hopelessness radiating from him.

"Exactly. We haven't even had the chance to have a meal with her." She argued.

"You don't eat with the pack?" I questioned.

"We have three nights a week where we eat as a family. Ares has been missing them because of you." His sister sneered, her usually pretty face becoming ugly with the vileness of her feelings.

"Perhaps he's just grown tired of your whining." I shot out, my voice annoyed. Her eyes widened in surprise by my reply, before narrowing as she glared at me. She tried to look intimidating as she stepped closer, halting abruptly when her father grabbed her arm.

"She's already put you in your place once, Athena. I wouldn't be so willing to have her do it a second time." He warned, causing her to growl lowly. The old Alpha knew that his daughter had no place in the current hierarchy, where the little wolf thought she was at the top of the food chain.

"I think this is a good time to excuse myself. Hormonal pups aren't exactly my forte." I chuckled, throwing back the rest of my drink before standing up.

"No. You should stay." Ares grabbed my hand gently before continuing. "Athena, until you learn your place on your own, you'll be staying in one of the cabins near the lake. If you any other pack member you would probably be given the same fate as those turn tails that are currently licking their wounds in the clinic, but you are my sister and I love you. If you come within ten feet of Mena I will turn the other way and let her deal with you." He growled, his wolf surfacing slightly to show his agreement. He didn't like the pup disrespecting the female he considered his mate, having no qualms of choosing me over his blood.

I was so shocked that my jaw was hanging slightly open. I would never expect Ares to shun his sister because of her behavior toward me. Yes, mates stood up for each other no matter what, but that was one of the side effects of a fully mated bond- the need to protect your mate against any and all threats, no matter who they came from. The problem was that Ares and I weren't fully mated yet, he shouldn't feel the need to toss his family aside for me. His nature shouldn't feel so strongly about me yet.

Athena face went from shocked, to hurt, to outraged in three seconds. Her body started humming with anger, eyes changer to the gold of her wolf.

"I am your sister, your flesh and blood but you decide to choose your whore over me?! Family is everything and you're willing to throw that away for some she-wolf who's not worth any of our time? What kind of Alpha are you, what kind of brother are you!" She screeched, her wolf letting her hurt and rage seep from her pores.

Alala growled furiously in my mind, but it wasn't because of what she said. No, it was because of the way she spoke to Ares. Not only was he her Alpha and her brother, but she questioned his capability and morals. I would be lying if I wasn't just as angry as she was. This wolf needed to be taught a lesson, to be shown exactly where her place in the pack was. Her brother didn't deserve her criticism, her judgement. He took a step forward, an outraged look on his face but hurt clear in his eyes. Grabbing his arm and pulling him closer to me, I shook my head. He was expected to do this, but I didn't want the burden on his shoulders.

Walking up to the little wolf, I grabbed her by the throat with extended claws and lifted her off of the ground. I shot a warning growl to her mother when she stepped closer, but Ares' father pulled her back with a nod to me. He understood.

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