11- The Difference

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It was amusing, to say the least, to meet Ares' pack members.

Word travels fast in our world thanks to the mind link, so many wolves regarded me with somewhat fearful expressions. Others stared openly, gaping openly at the she-wolf who beat up some of their most powerful warriors, a few surprised that the rumor that Ares actually wanted to accept a potential mate was true. Children asked me about my hair and a few scars, some pointing out the tattoos on my torso that became visible when my shirt would ride up. I always found pups amusing, they had no internal filter so they spoke their mind freely without worrying about any repercussions. I could tell that a couple of females were rejected potentials (or hopeful that they could be chosen as a replacement Luna) as they either sent me frosty glares or pitying looks.

We could take them. Easy. Alala yawned when a short red headed she-wolf stared longingly at Ares, who was busy speaking to Dane about a pack meeting.

We don't need to. I responded, knowing that Ares had no interest in them. Unless they challenged me, I had no desire to show them their place. They weren't worth our time.

One particularly tall she-wolf with black hair and doe-like eyes seemed intent on making her displeasure about me well known as soon as we were back at the pack house. She walked up to Ares with confident strides, completely ignoring Dane and I who were standing either side of him.

"Oh Alphaaa.." she sang in what she probably thought was a sultry voice, but it sounded nasally and scratchy against our sensitive ears. Glancing up at him through her lashes, she ran a finger up his arm slowly before continuing. "I've missed you while you were away, your bed seemed too big without you in it."

I barely contained my snort when Ares looked worriedly at me, but I couldn't stop my eyebrow from arching or the smirk that formed on my lips. Dane simply looked on, his facial expression slightly more than amused.

"Clara, I assume you haven't heard the good news yet. This is my potential mate and, hopefully, your future Luna." Clara simply looked me up and down, a frown forming between her eyes.

"This is who you expect to be our Luna? She barely looks female." she scoffed. Ares' features clouded with darkness, a growl forming in his chest.

"I wouldn't speak about femininity if my chest was as flat as yours." I deadpanned, my tone indicating how bored I was with this conversation already. I did, however, enjoy her reaction, as did Dane who burst out laughing. Heat crept up her cheeks as she growled at me, tilting her chin up.

I didn't really believe she-wolves with less curvy bodies were less feminine, but I could tell that this female would be easily rattled with her looks. Anyone within a ten mile radius could smell that she was as vain as one could get.

"Trust me, Alpha Ares enjoyed my femininity long before you came, Shadow. What could a female who enjoys blood and gore possibly know of pleasing a male?" she smirked, hoping that I would fall into her trap.

Though Ares was only a potential, he would still become annoyingly jealous if I prattled on about the males that once shared my bed. He would no doubt drag me to his room to prove that he had more skills than them, that he could please me more than they ever could. Idiot.

"Were you the only one?"

"Excuse me?" she did a double take at my abrupt question.

"Were you the only wolf to please him?" I snorted. "Let me guess, there were times that it wasn't you alone who woke up next to him? You would find two or three other females joining you while you pleased him. You're not special, she-wolf. Stop deluding yourself into thinking otherwise." Dane was bent over at this point, clutching his stomach with one hand while the other covered his mouth to muffle his laughter. Ares was staring with wide eyes as if he couldn't fathom why I wouldn't lash out at the both of them. 

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