9-Turn Tails

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A knock at the door brought me out of my lust-induced haze, letting me shoot forward and out of Ares' arms.

"What?!" he groaned, clearing his throat afterwards in an attempt to rid his voice of the huskiness it carried.

The door opened to reveal Brock, a knowing look in his eyes when they landed on me.

"I apologize for interrupting, I thought that it might be a good idea to have your potential overlook some of the training underway. It will also be the perfect opportunity to introduce her to the warriors." he explained. Ares looked like he was about to protest, but I needed to put some distance between us.

"I'd love to. Let me change into something more comfortable and I'll meet you in the foyer in five minutes." Without waiting for an answer, I grabbed the bag with my training gear (conveniently placed next to the bed) and moved to the bathroom.

I heard some agitated grumbling from Ares, but the door closed shortly after, stopping me from hearing the master of arms' response. Quickly throwing on some shorts and a sports bra, I decided to pull on a tank top as well. No use in giving Ares any incentive to drag my from the fields and to the bed- or do the same to him if his eyes lingered too much. I needed to work on my resolve or the bond would have me ass-up before the end of the week. I'd felt attracted to many of my previous potentials, but it was nothing like the heat Ares brought to my veins. When I finished tying my shoes I only had two more minutes to meet the males, so I got my ass down to the foyer as soon as I could.

"I'm surprised that you actually made it in five minutes. I thought that was just something females said." Ares said, his shocked look indicating how true his words rang.

"I believe that there will be many more surprises from her, Alpha. You might want to get used to it." Brock chuckled as he waited for me to walk out first, making me smirk. I had a feeling  he and I would be good friends.

The training grounds were surprisingly close. Raphael made sure ours was moved a considerable distance away from all buildings after the fifth wall had to be fixed. Dom and I had to do all the hard labor since we were the ones that kept throwing fighters into it hard enough that they landed in the TV room. Wolves are smart, so it wasn't a surprise that most would toss each other into any hard surface to cause maximum injury. We were lucky that we healed faster than normal.

"How many repairs do you do on a monthly basis?" I questioned.

"About two or three a week." Ares shrugged.

"And you haven't thought of moving your training further away from the buildings?" I raised a brow.

"We've got enough funds to cover the material for the repairs, and we can do them ourselves. I don't see the need in deciding which grounds should be replaced with this one, and the warriors know the ones they currently train on like the back of their hand." he rolled his eyes, and I actually snorted.

"Your warriors should know all of the pack grounds like the back of their hand. And just because you can afford to waste money on the materials, doesn't mean you should. You're wasting time and money on repairs that can be avoided." I deadpanned, a bit shocked that he was so ignorant.

"Look at you, already correcting the way I run my pack. You're a natural Luna." he grinned, winking when I shot him a glare.

"Just because I can pinpoint when someone is wasting money, doesn't mean I'd make a good Luna. Luna's are soft and gentle. Things that I am not, if you haven't noticed."

"Wolves!" Brock's growl was outraged as soon as we arrived where the warriors were training, preventing Ares from answering me.

There were a few males and females who shared a look of horror at being caught slacking, lying around and chatting to each other as if they were at a social gathering. There weren't many, but enough for me to be appalled. Warriors who didn't take their training seriously enough to complete it were seen as lazy and weak links. You were supposed to train as if you were fighting in a battle- goddess forbid that these wolves would be turn tails. When you decide to train as a fighter or warrior, it is drilled into you that you train when you're expected to and will not be allowed to stop until your trainer tells you to or you are otherwise incapacitated. Packs who didn't implement this couldn't properly protect it when needed.

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