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WE ARE RUNNING out of food.

I stare at all of the cans of vegetables placed in a neat line on the counter in front of me. There are only six left. None of them pique my interest for breakfast, so I opt to skip.

Leaving the unopened cans in their spots, I place my hands on the edge of the counter, bow my head, then close my eyes. I hold my breath tightly, hoping my pricked ears will pick up on something, anything. Maybe the sound of Denise's light snoring, or possibly the heavy footsteps of Tara coming down the stairs.

There is nothing. The silence that consumes me is deafening. This house, where I once almost considered my home, is now a place I can't stand to be in. I've been visiting the chapel often, but it hasn't helped. I can't stand being this alone. I have been alone for some time now, as the only person besides MJ that I cared to be around has been practically ignoring me for the past five days.

Ever since the group returned from the excursion to the Hilltop, Carl has not been himself. He isn't the boy I have come to know. There is a dark cloud hanging low over his head, casting darkness on anything near him. His eye is always lowered to the floor, he doesn't look up anymore.

I know what happened that night, everyone does. He is closed up, folded over his own pain. He thinks he can just push it away and harden his heart, but it ultimately won't work. That is possibly the worst thing he can do in this situation.

I wonder if he knows that he doesn't need to face this alone. I meant to talk with him this week, but I just didn't know how to approach it. He is angry, and I don't know how to handle that. I wish I did.

I can't breathe.

I hate the cold, and even though it has been growing consistently cooler outside, I make my way towards the front door. I thrust it open violently, needing to fill my lungs with fresh, clean air. I expect to be hit with the cold air the moment I step into the threshold of the door, but I am instead greeted by a warm radiance.

For a passing moment I can't feel the cold, I can see it. I am staring right into his strikingly frosted blue eye, the one that shines in the dark and can see through my skin.

The air is punched from my lungs as my forced breathing suddenly comes to a skittish halt. The vapor from his mouth fans out and clings to my bandana, and the dampness of the material presses against my chapped lips.

He quickly walks forward, and I have to step back to prevent him from colliding with my body. I almost stumble over my feet. He shuts the door behind him, never once taking his eye off of me.

Before I get the chance to do anything, he steps forward and hugs me. I grit my teeth like a defensive animal once we finally do break away, not wanting him know that my skin is on fire from his touch. He opens his mouth, but he seems to be at a loss of words.

Meghan {c.g.}Where stories live. Discover now