Chapter 4

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Sorry for the long wait everyone, this story really takes a lot of time and research if I want it done right! I had to break this chapter into two parts, hence it was very, very long. 

Thanks to Stacey73, GypsyWitchBaby (FanFiction), AnonRyder23, dontcomein (Wattpad) for reviewing on the previous chapter, also thanks to the SEVERAL people who favorite/followed Restoration. I love you guys! 

I do not own The Walking Dead and this story contains mature content. 


Restoration: Chapter 4

“He wants me to do what?”

Slowly, he turned around to face Ivan, not quite sure he had actually heard him right.

Ivan sighed irritably, fighting to keep his cool, Vasquez was being abnormally adverse to the whole situation and he hated to be made to repeat himself.

“You’re a highly skilled at what you do, one of the best which is why Victor needs you for the job.” Ivan explained, “I’d get her myself, but that’s clearly not an option, she’s seen my face.”

 “Pity,” Vasquez said with a shrug as he turned on his heel and made his way towards the door, his hand already straying to the pocket of his flak jacket to retrieve his zippo, flipping the silver lid open and then shutting it repeatedly with his thumb. “As much fun as I had making the whore scream, I’m gonna have to decline. She’s his trophy, tell him to fetch her himself.”

 “Victor thought you’d say something like that,” he said with a sigh, “Which is why I was hoping that it wouldn’t have to come down to this.”

His words were enough to stop him dead in his tracks, his hand instinctively reaching for the knife from his hip pouch. 

The blue eyed man saw the movement and drew his own knife from an unknown pocket, twirling it around on his fingers lazily, the metal glinting in the dull candle light. 

"Don't look so surprised," he said with amusement. “You knew exactly what you were getting into the moment you joined us.”

“Enlighten me, Ivan?” he said sternly, ignoring the man’s almost jovial remarks. 

Ivan only smirked knowingly. 

“Why, you couldn’t honestly expect to fuck his trophy and not expect it to come with a hefty price now did you?” 

 Vasquez stood tensely, every muscle wound tight in preparation to fight if he had to. This man was incredibly powerful and his intentions were cryptic. He had to be on his guard.

"Just answer my question without the bullshit," he said, even voice sounding almost calm despite all the tension.

Ivan actually laughed, catching the knife in his hand mid spin and pointed it at his interrogator.

"You are quite an impatient man Vasquez, hardly befitting of a person such as yourself.”

Vasquez’s eyes narrowed and the blue eyed man grinned.

"Alright, I'll tell you," he said, leaning in as if he were about to divulge a big secret but was interrupted by the sound of the only door in the room opening and closing. Vasquez could sense the malevolence about the new presence immediately. Even before he saw the dark hair and deathly white skin, he knew it was Victor. Suddenly his heart felt heavy, weighted down with dread.

“Why so timid today Vasquez?” Victor asked in a voice surprisingly rich and velvety considering how strong the aura of evil was around him. “I thought you were the type of man who enjoyed a challenge, who obtained pleasure from inflicting pain on his victims. Though, I’ve been nothing more than accommodating to you and your so called…”

He paused, trying to think of the right word. 

“Urges?” Ivan supplied helpfully. 

“Yeah. Now I think it’s your turn.”

Thinking quickly, Vasquez itemized the faults with the plan, hoping it would get him out of this mess.

“You’re asking me to go on a suicide mission,” he said. “I’m not gonna lie, her pussy was great, but you’re asking me to perform a fucking miracle here. How the hell do you expect me to infiltrate that prison, capture the woman and slip out quietly without anyone taking notice? I’ll be shot and killed before we even reach the gates. Or worse, one or both of us torn to pieces by a pack of-“

His sentence disintegrated into a scream of pain as Victor grabbed the stun baton from a nearby table and sent 150,000 volts of electricity through him. He convulsed, collapsing to the floor with the pain. He couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think, just cried out as he was consumed by the pain. 

Victor’s lips curled into a cruel smile, revealing perfect teeth. 

“I can see why you enjoyed using this on her so much,” he said as he crouched down in front of the wounded man, cornering him like a predator would his prey. “You will go to that prison, and you will get her back. Do you understand?” 

“No,” He protested, weakly trying to get away from the man who had now wielded and turned his favorite torture device against him.  

“It wasn’t a request,” Victor growled, applying another round of electric current through the defying man.  

Vasquez gasped and chocked as he tried to recover from having another surge of electricity shoot through his body.  

“You have one of two options,” Victor said and pressed the two thin metal electrodes against his member. “I could kill you right now and while it would be immensely satisfying, I’m willing to let you decide your fate today. You could choose to die by my hand or have a shot at survival out there. The choice is yours.”

His words held the dark promise of a gruesome and painful death, and Vasquez felt panic begin to rise within him. 

“Alright, alright! I’ll go! I’ll do whatever it is you want me to do! Just please…get that thing away from my fucking dick!”

Victor stood and withdrew a map from his back pocket and tossed it on the floor beside Vasquez as he walked away. Almost as an afterthought, he looked over his shoulder. 

“I wouldn’t advise on trying to run from me,” he said. “I will find you and I will kill you, slowly and painfully. Do you understand, Vasquez?” 

He nodded mutely, signaling he did and the man chuckled. 

 “Good, I’m glad we’ve come to an understanding.” 

Without another word, he exited the room, letting in the noise of the growling roamers outside only for a moment before the door closed behind him.  


Reviews are welcome as always and I hope to post the next chapter relatively soon. (Psst: It’s almost done!)

Éclair Designs 

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