Chapter 17

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A/N: You guys don't know how hard it has been to continue this story. I'm so into my original story that that's all I've been working on. Give me that motivation my wonderful readers! Keep me going!

It's apparent that I'm not going to finish this before the season premiere. :(

Reviews, reviews, reviews!

Restoration: Chapter 17

In that odd first moment, Alexis noticed how much William had aged. They stared at each other as if under a spell. Then, William rushed to Alexis and took her in his arms. He was weeping. Tears welled up in her eyes, but a part of her stayed distant. His touch, familiar as it was, seemed strange to her now. She let him hold her but gave nothing in return. He didn't seem to notice her lack of enthusiasm.

"Michonne found him a few miles just outside the prison." Hershel said.

"And you let him in?" Rick said incredulously to Michonne.

"He had proof," she stated matter-of-factly.

Rick turned his attention back to Alexis, frowning with evident concern.

"You took everything away from her; passed her around to those men like she was a piece of meat. What more could you possibly take away from her?" Rick asked.

Victor was silent a moment, then said. "Everything she ever cared for. The only thing that gave her the will to survive in the first place."

"I knew it dammit. I knew you were alive." William pulled back from her, looked at her, and then pulled her close to him again.

Her whole body froze, panic taking over. Her focus blurred with the tears that threatened and tried to still the tremble that worked its way through her.

I wonder how Kate is. She's so calm and self-possessed, isn't she? I wonder what it would take for a woman like her to lose control.

She pushed away from him.

"What's wrong?"

She hesitated. "He has them, doesn't he?"


"Doesn't he?" Her voice shook.

William swallowed the knot in his throat.

"Yes," he admitted.

"Oh my God." She touched her hand to her mouth. "He's gonna kill them. He's gonna kill my baby. Our little girl. Oh God. Oh God." The words came out in a rush, almost as fast as her mind was racing.

"I know this is a lot to take in, it is for me but-"

Alexis slapped him, hard, the sound slicing through the room. Her hand stung with the contact and her breath left her in uneven pants.

Shock registered on his face, but he hesitated only a second before taking a step toward her.

"Don't touch me!" she cried. "How could you? How could you just let Victor take them? How could you leave them?"

"It's a lot more complicated than you realize," he said. "If you calm down and let me explain-"

She could feel hot tears spilling down her cheeks, beyond her control.

"I can't take this..."


The reality that William was tied to Victor, this horrible person who'd damn near ruined her for good, was more than she could bear. She turned without answering and left the room, escaping down a hallway that led to the outdoor courtyard.

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