Chapter 5: Open! Gate of the Southern Cross!

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Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail or Naruto!!

"I see," Tsunade said as she clasped her hands together and adjusted her position on her chair. Tsunade and Jiraiya were both in the Hokage's office with Natsu, Lucy, and Happy, sitting in front of them.

"So, let me get this straight," Jiraiya began. "You guys were on a mission of capturing bandits from stealing a village's relic and were soon enveloped with a bright light after, because you two," he stared pointedly at Natsu and Happy who just avoided his gaze chuckling nervously, "copied some signs from the cave of the relic and they looked like ninjas?"

"Mhmm," Lucy hummed, nodding her head while Natsu and Happy chuckled sheepishly. "More or less." The blonde added.

"Well then, do you remember any of the hand signs in the cave?" Tsunade asked, "If we recognize any of them we would be able to tell what sort of jutsu was cast." Lucy bit her bottom lip and closed her eyes, trying to remember but her memory came up short.

Natsu's brows furrowed in concentration and groaned as he pulled at his hair, "Ahhh! I can't remember!" Happy doing the same, as he pulled on his ears. The two sannin sweatdropped, as Lucy scoffed.

"Then this is gonna turn out harder than we expected," Tsunade sighed as she crossed her arms. The Fairy Tail mages deflated at the words of the fifth Hokage that is until Lucy suddenly perked up startling her partners.

"That's right!" Lucy exclaimed, slamming a closed fist onto her open palm. Before anyone could say anything, Lucy jumped to her feet, her fingers ghosting over her keys before finding the one she was looking for.

"Open Gate of the Southern Cross! Crux!" Lucy recited. The two Sannins eyes widened in shock and fascination as a gold magic circle appeared below the blonde mage, and a 'ding dong' was heard before a huge levitating cross with a mustache appeared.

"Grandpa Crux!" Lucy said excitedly, before she staggered a bit, resulting in Natsu quickly steadying her with an arm around her shoulder. The celestial mage smiled gratefully when the dragon slayer look down at her concerned.

"Miss Lucy. Thank the stars you are alright." The old spirit said, taking a good look at his holder. The blonde smiled, before taking a deep breath and regaining her own stance, Natsu hesitantly letting her go.

"It's good to see you too Grandpa Crux!" Lucy said, with a fond smile.

"Yo! Old man!" Natsu exclaimed, with a grin.

"Hey! It's the sleeping cross!" Happy grinned, flying around the spirit. Both Tsunade and Jiraiya looked in awe at the spirit, wonder etched in their faces.

"So I see you got transported into a different world, child." Crux looked around, briefly eying the awestruck ninjas before falling asleep.

"Wha-?!" Tsunade said.

"He fell asleep?!" Jiraiya exclaimed. Natsu and Happy both sweat dropped even though they were already used to it, they were still amazed at how he fell asleep so quick. It was quiet for a minute before the Southern Cross woke up frightening the two sannin as well as Natsu and Happy.

"AHHH!!" The old cross screamed before looking at the hopeful eyes of his key holder.

"Miss Lucy, you and your team are in the Land of the Shinobi." Jiraiya's and Tsunade's eyes widened, before Crux continued, "but I'm afraid that's all I can say at the moment."

Natsu's face grew serious and Happy's eyes watered as Lucy felt her shoulders slump in defeat. The two sannin felt bad for the Fairy Tail mages in front of them, but they didn't know what to do. Without any information to lead on they were just in the dark as the mages in front of them.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jul 19, 2018 ⏰

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