Chapter 5

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Dedicated to LookImDeadInside for making the cover at the side :)

I woke up to three texts from Jesse, all of them saying how sorry he was about last night. I forgave him. I knew it's what was expected from me.

The next day, we played the part of the perfect couple flawlessly.Still, I could tell something was bothering Jesse. I didn't ask. I saw him talking to Shelly before lunch. I didn't mention it. There were whispers about Jesse in the hallways. I didn't demand answers.

Instead, I pretended I didn't notice. I found out that I was really good at acting.

I acted like I was happy. I acted like I was interested in our anniversary. I acted like everything was fine.

I was dying to find Bolton. I wanted answers to all of my questions. Unfortunately, I was stuck. Stuck with Jesse, with our relationship.

I decided to put on the best show of my life for now. I would get my answers. I just had to wait until the time was right.


Thursday passed, and the big day arrived. My one year anniversary with Jesse. He was really excited about taking me out that night. As far as he was concerned, so was I.

I started getting ready as soon as I got home. I was trying to find an outfit that would impress Jesse. I pulled my little black dress out of the closet. It had thin straps and stopped a few inches above my knees. Will Bolton like this dress? Wait...

I had to remind myself, for the millionth time that evening, that I was getting ready for Jesse, not Bolton. I just couldn't help it. For some reason, I felt like I would seeing him tonight.

Pushing everything to the back of my mind, I got ready and headed downstairs when the doorbell rang.

Jesse was wearing a blue dress shirt with black dress pants. He looked good. I bet Bolton would look even better. I shook my head, wanting to stop that thought in its tracks. Jesse was openly staring at me. It made me a little uncomfortable.

"You look sexy in that dress, babe," he said with a devilish grin. I managed a small smile before mumbling something that sounded like thanks.

He didn't seem to notice. He just grabbed my hand and dragged me to the car. He left me in front of my door, before walking around to the drivers side. I figured he'd at least open the door for me, just this once. Looks like chivalry really was dead.

The car ride was silent. I was lost in my thoughts, and Jesse didn't try starting conversation. That was odd. Usually, you couldn't get Jesse to shut up, even if you offered him money. I didn't realize how comforting his annoying rambling was until it wasn't there.

I have a bad feeling about tonight. Something will go wrong. I know it will. Even though I knew something was coming my way, I never expected what happened next.


 We were sitting at the table, laughing and talking like we did before. Everything felt like it was normal again. I was just over-thinking things. There weren't any problems between us. I just thought there was.

Jesse told me another joke, and I smiled. I can't believe he loves me. I can't believe he's all mine.

I hadn't thought about Bolton since I stepped into the restaurant. Things were normal between us again. Sometimes, while we're in my car, I notice him watching me. The funny thing is, it never makes me nervous or uncomfortable.

Jesse grabbed my hand from across the table and brought it to his lips. Planting a kiss there, he said, "Be right back babe. Try not to miss me to much."

I rolled my eyes. Typical Jesse. I looked down and saw his phone light up. I started to call him back, but he was already gone. Shrugging, I decided to see what it was. It was probably one of the guys wanting him to come over later.

I unlocked his phone, and nearly dropped it from shock. Nope, definitely not one of the guys.

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