Chapter 6

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As soon as everyone had put the voting bracelets on a panel rose revealing a door with a sign on it that read 'You must vote on whether or not to open the door. Press X for it to remain closed and O for it to open.'

They all pressed a button on their bracelets.

O : X
6 : 1

"Alright, who pressed X?" Leorio demanded, an anger mark on his forehead.

"Sorry, that was me, I pressed it by mistake." Tonpa said.

Leorio grabbed him by his shirt and shook him. "How God-dammed hard is it to press a button. A few more mistakes like that and we will be stuck."

"Let him be, Leorio." Kurapika said, putting his hand on Leorio's shoulder.

They continued forward and ended up with a choice between left and right. They went right, much to Leorio's displeasure.

They ended up in an area that they had to fight and have the majority win in order to pass.

First went Tonpa, he gave up almost immediately.

Then it was Gon, he won by blowing out his opponent's candle.

Then it was the man Pika saved, he put up a good fight but ended up losing.

Then it was Kurapika, Kurapika's opponent bragged about the people he supposedly killed, however he complained about it being only 19 as it's an odd number.

He set a few ground rules that Kurapika followed. Then his opponent punched the ground where Kurapika had been standing and it broke.

Then he claimed to be a part of the Phantom Troup. This was a mistake. Kurapika's eyes went red.

A dark shadow hid Kurapika's eyes just before he punched his opponent so hard he was knocked out.

Kurapika stood there with his back to his unconscious opponent and told him information about the Spiders.

Then they spent a long time waiting and trying to decide whether or not Kurapika should kill him.

Pika played a recording of the fight in which Kurapika's opponent surrendered just before Kurapika punched him.

"He's already surrendered so that means it's already our victory." Pika explained.

Next it was Leorio's go and it was a betting competition with 50 hours on the line Leorio lost.

Then it was Pika's go. She walked calmly to the platform.

"So, what kind of fight do you want?" Pika asked.

"A fight to the death." Her opponent said, lowering his hood. It was Torchwick.

"You're still alive!?" Pika asked, stepping backwards and her eyes going red. "You were eaten by a Nevermore grim!"

"Correction, I was almost eaten by a Nevermore grim. Clearly, I survived." Torchwick said.

"Not a fight to the death, a fight until one of us can't fight anymore." Pika said, her hair casting a dark shadow over her red eyes.

"OK." Torchwick agreed half heartedly.

They were given a count down, and when they got to 1 Pika grabbed her glasses and turned them into gauntlets.

Narrowly avoiding his attack, Pika ducked under his arm and punched him in the back. Then she aimed a kick at his legs, knocking him over.

Torchwick managed to grab one of her dust containers on his way down. When she was about to punch his face he blew the dust in her face.

Pika closed her eyes and sneezed, causing an explosion of fire dust, but no matter, Pika could still see where Torchwick was.

Sneaking behind him for one final blow, Pika raised her fist behind her head, the cartridges rotated, and she punched him so hard he was knocked out. The ice from her ice dust was still frozen in his hair.

((A/N: How was it? Was it OK? This was a long chapter. BTW I may have missed a few (Y/N) s so if you see any please point them out to me.

It's because nothing really changed in this chapter from my Kurapika X reader fanfic other than the fight scene with Pika so I copied and pasted.

Shout out to aim3ray0


Red Eyes{OC X Kurapika (Hunter X Hunter and RWBY)}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt