Chapter Six

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I was downstairs walking TV while my aunt was in the kitchen making cookies. I heard the telephone ring and I went over to get it.

"Hello?" I answered

"Hey Sweetie, how are you?" I recognized the familiar voice and it was my mom.

"I'm good. Ma, I miss you a lot, and I'm having fun staying with Aunt Angela. And I also meet this nice boy." I said smiling into the phone.

"Well sweetie I'm glad your having fun. I miss you a lot too. Next week, if I get enough money, I'll visit you okay?"

"Okay. Is the coast clear for me to come back home yet?" I said with hesitation

She sighed into the phone before she replied, "Not yet, honey."

"Oh.. okay." I was hoping everything was alright.

"Well baby, I gotta go okay. I'll call you whenever I get the chance too. I love you."

"I love you too Ma." I slammed the phone down and walked back over to the living room.

"What was that for?"

I turned my head to the living room enterance from the stairs area. It was Jacob. Was he there the whole time?.

"Nothing." I said flatly.

"You wanna talk bout?" He started making his way over to me and took a sit in the couch next to me.

"No, I'm okay." I said hopping we can change the subject.

He placed his hand on my back,"Remi, you can talk to me."

"Can we talk bout this some other time?" I said.


Aunt Angela walked in with the fresh baked snicker doodles on a platter.

"Oh! Jacob, I didn't know you were here." She was made a smile her face, "I would of made more."

"Its okay, Ms Angela."

"Okay, well enjoy." She placed the plate of cookies in front of us and left the living room.

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