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-Third Person-

Hayley fell asleep on the couch and Annie and her mom came home. It was around 3:00pm. Hayden, Mads and Rylie were coming to their apartment to hang out.

Mrs. Katie brought Hayley up to Annie and Hayley's room.

-Hayley's POV-

I heard the door bell ring so I crept out the room and looked from above as our room is on the first floor. Mads, Riley and Hayden came. No one told me.

"Where's Hayley?" Riley asks. "She's asleep in her room. One of you go wake her up" mommy says. Hayden volunteers. I run back in my room and pretend to sleep

-Hayden's POV-

I walk in her room and find her asleep in her bed, "Hayley, wake up" I say while lightly shaking her.

"Come down, Mads and Rylie are here too" I add. She groans and says,

" I don't want to" "Come on Hayley, they want to see you" I reply "How was the movie?" she asks with her head buried in a pillow.

Wow she must have been really sad. "To be honest, I  didn't like it, and I don't think you would too" I say " mmhm" she says.

"Hayden i'm tired, leave me alone. I don't want to talk to anyone" she says in an annoyed tone. i did as she said and left.

" Where's Hayley?" Mads asked. " she doesn't want to come down" I reply

-Hayley's POV-

To be honest, i was mad, mad at life for giving me bad luck.

I knew Hayden was lying... he probably loved the movie. I get up and wash my face.

I hear  laughing downstairs, they are probably having so much fun without me. I start watching youtube videos on my Laptop

-Annie's POV-

"Hayley can't be sleeping for this long." I say.

"She seemed a bit annoyed and sad when I went in" Hayden said. She must've been sad that she didn't get to see the movie.

"I'll be back" I say and run up to our room. I opened the door and found her watching youtube. "Hayley, why don't you come down, everyone wants to see you" I say.

"Didn't Hayden tell you, I don't want to talk to anybody!" Hayley says practically yelling.
I walk over to her, " Hayley...please"

-Hayden's POV-

I heard Hayley yelling upstairs. I see Annie coming down the stairs with Hayley behind her.

Annie comes and sits down where Rylie, Mads and I are sitting. Hayley plops herself down in the sofa and shuts her eyes.

"Hayley, we are going to get ice cream... wanna come?"

I ask hoping that will cheer her up.
"okay" she says, while rubbing her eyes.

"Mom! We're leaving!" Annie shouts.

"Okay! Stay safe" Katie replies.

As we walk to a nearby ice cream store, Mads, Rylie and Annie are talking about girly stuff, so me and Hayley are walking in silence.

"Hayley... I know your upset, but please don't be. Just have fun" I say. "Easy for you to say, your life is perfect, Annie's life is perfect, everyone's life is perfect except mine" Hayley answers. I hold her hand and say

"That's not true... I have a lot of problems going on in my life.. such as  my dog back home is really sick. No one is perfect. I get it, your upset, but just have fun." she let's go of my hand and says,

"Have fun? How am I supposed to have fun if my life is such a mess, the biggest thing I hate in my life is being left out... Every-time Annie's friends are over, they all talk about stuff that Annie doesn't allow me to hear and they do stuff that Annie doesn't even do with ME. I wish I was Annie, then my life would be perfect too."

" Hayley... Annie loves you and sometimes she likes doing things without you, you just need to grow up and suck it up" I say

. Hayley looks me straight in the eye. I can see the hurt and tears starting to form in her eyes. I shouldn't have said that, that was a bit mean. " You don't understand... No One Does!!"
she says and walks in the ice cream shop.

We all stand in the line except Hayley. She said she didn't want anything. I feel so bad, I wish I never said that. She is sitting on a table trying to control her tears, but that's not working to well. I get my ice cream and sit on the table.

"Hayley, i'm sorry" I say, but she ignores me. We all end up finishing our ice cream and walk back to their apartment. Annie tried asking her what was wrong, but she won't answer, I'll tell Annie when we are alone.

*DRAMMAA... hey lovelies, here is an extremely long chapter, comment ideas.XXX*

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