
409 13 1

-Annie's POV-

We all wake up and and head to breakfast in our bathing suits, because we are going to the beach straight after.
I pull on my strapless baby blue one and my slip on, white vans and we head  to breakfast.
"Hey princess" Hayden says as he approaches me with a hug, he lightly rubs my back leaving goosebumps.
We all get seated and decide what to eat.
We get weird stares cause we are in our bathing suits and also mine is like short so I got a lot of stares, but who cares.
We arrive at the beach and I take a few pictures and lay on the mat which is on the sand and tan for a bit.

I run in the sea where everyone is and play around.
Me and Hayden play with a beach ball.
Everyone got out the sea and it's only me and Hayley.
I look over and see there is a long walk back to shore, oh well...
• • •

Night Hayley" I say. As much as aI love the beach, I get so tired after. I scroll through instagram and then call it a night.

I turn my phone off and as soon as my head hit the pillow, I drifted off to sleep.

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