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-Annie's POV-

"Wake up!"

Those are the first words I wake up to...
"What do you want Hayley?" I groan as  I rub my eyes. 
"Mommy and daddy are saying we have a surprise, but they will only tell us once you finish breakfast."
Hayley pulls me out of the bed and drags me downstairs. I plop myself down on the chair and stare at the eggs and bacon that are in front of me.
"So what is the surprise?"
I ask so that Hayley would stop telling me to hurry up.
"First you have to finish" Mom says.

I finish up and put my plate in the sink.
Hayley pulls my arm and takes me to the couch. Mom and daddy are sitting beside me.
"So...rock your hair is hosting another trip. The Summerall family, our family and the rock your hair family are coming. This time instead of Hawaii... We are going to Bora Bora!"

My jaw hung open in shock.
I get up and scream. Me and Hayley run around the house screaming.
"When do we leave?" I ask.
"In 3 days. And we are staying for a month." daddy says.
I fling my arms around him and let my legs hang free. Mom gives me the vlogging camera.
"Hey guys, so daddy just told us we are going to Bora Bora! I am so excited."
"We are going to meet up with the families and decide on stuff like which hotel we are staying at and stuff like that." Mom says.
We all walk down to the car... well I didn't walk. Daddy carried me, I just woke up so...
Throughout the whole car ride I was smiling like an idiot.

-Hayden's  POV-

The Leblanc family arrive at the rock your hair house and I go over greet the
"Hey babe" I say and kiss Annie's cheek. "Hey"
"Did you hear the news?" I ask
"Yeah, omg i'm so excited"
"Me too, can't wait"

"I think she is in the kitchen" Katie says.
I run into the kitchen and see Hayley.
I tackle her and she lets out a giggle.
"Hayden!!" she says and wraps her little arms around my neck.
We walk back to the living room and I play fortnite with Rush.

-Annie's POV-

We arrive back home and I help Hayley shower... she can shower herself but, as you may know she has trouble washing her hair. We are sisters, we see each other naked like everyday.
I run my shampoo filled hands through her hair and she ask me..."Annie you know most siblings fight and hit each other, they hate each other."
"Yeah" I say trying to untangle her hair.
"I'm so happy we are not like that" she says. "Me too, we're so lucky."
I rinse her hair and she gets out.
I vlog for a bit and change into a
bralette and some shorts. I snuggle on the couch with mom and watch a movie.

-Katie's POV-

As the credits of the movie roll down I hear Annie sleep talking. I quickly whip out the vlogging camera. I love when she sleep talks, it's so funny.
"Annie what's wrong?" I ask.
"I... the... house is gone"
What do you mean?" I ask
" All my clothes are burnt"
"Annie the house is fine and your clothes are not burnt"
"My clothes are so burnt"
"Annie your bralette is clean your shorts are not 1% dirty."
"Mommy!" she yells and I see she is having a nightmare. I turn off the vlogging camera and focus back to Annie.
"Annie, sweetheart... everything fine" I say and rub her bare back.
"Mommy" she cries. She doesn't call me mommy often.
She climbs onto my lap and sobs into my shirt.
"Annie, it's ok" I say and rock her side to side. I rub her back and carry her up to her room.
Hayley is already asleep and I set Annie down beside her. I kiss their foreheads and close the door.

*Hey lovelies, sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've just been so busy lately, comment ideas. XXX"

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