Chapter 5: Tell Me a Lie

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(A/N I feel soo bad for Lucy! I'm sorry this has to happen... *sigh* Anyway! Back to the story... ~Killian)



Stars littered the night sky, scattered all over as if someone tossed them at random. Some shine so bright it was hard to focus on them for too long. Others were barely visible, because they were so faded. I could form different shapes from the different glowing orbs.

I made a unicorn.

And a dragon.

And a star. Ha. A star made out of stars. That's hilarious!


I found another shape.

I found a ballet slipper.

It was so small, so delicate. The stars illuminated the footwear, bringing it to life. The shape then begins to dance. The shoe points and spins slowly and beautifully.

Another slipper appears. They point together.

Soon enough, a whole ballerina forms in the sky. She dances to her hearts content .Her dancing shows happiness from her childhood. She was shy, and pretty smart. Her family loved and supported her. One day, all her dreams and wishes came true. She was living the life she has always desired. There was some sadness and trouble in her teens, but once her dreams came true, they didn't matter anymore. Then, her legs collapse. The ballerina falls from the sky.

The stars fade into nothing. Nothing at all.

Suddenly, a flash of light shines in my peripheral vision. My head snapped to the right to see what it was. The illumination blasted my eyesight. After I recovered from my momentary blindness, I saw the light belonged to a train.

A very large train.

That was zooming at at least 100 miles per hour.

And it's headed straight towards me.

I went to get up, but found that I couldn't. My left leg was strapped down. I looked at it, I hadn't even noticed it before. It was tied tight to the tracks of the railroad. Only my left leg?

Why just my left leg?

The train was coming closer. It's horn echoed, warning me to move. But, I couldn't. My leg was pinned and unmoving.

The train was coming closer. The driver sounded the horn once more, begging for me to move. He didn't want to run me over. The screech of the brakes stabbed my ears, but the driver and I both knew the train wouldn't stop in time.


Alright, get ready for the pain.


In a last minute attempt to free myself, I punched the ropes. I knew punching wouldn't do any good, but I was desperate.


My palms sweaty, my breathing erratic. I might die.



I woke up in a cold sweat, screaming. I felt strong arms pin me down. The arms didn't feel familiar. They felt foreign. There were more than just two arms on me, though. Multiple people were trying to pin me.

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