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Like I've mentioned, I write a lot of the end scenes before so here you go.


'Did you reconsider my offer?'

'Did you reconsider mine?' I asked him while holding my wailing baby boy in one hand. He had a strong pair of lungs, that was for sure.

'I'm allergic to dogs.'

'I don't care anyways, but no you're not.' I huffed, making funny faces at my son to stop his squealing.

'But I hate them enough to be!' He exclaimed, and I rolled my eyes in exasperation.

'If you had told me this BEFORE we started dating, this conversation wouldn't happen.' I said. 'You know why?'

'I can imagine.' He murmured under his breath.

'Because I wouldn't date you. Simple. As. That.' I squinted my eyes, and then using my free hand I slapped Damien's hand away from the hot muffins that were resting on the counter. Not that I made them, but he had already eaten three and eating more was only going to make him have an upset stomach on the day of his big match.

'Fifi!' Damien frowned at me, and then looked at his younger brother with a wide grin. He too started making faces at the now gurgling baby. He reached out to the baby, and I surrender him easily, knowing that Damien would probably take care of Theo more than I would, that's how much he loved him.

'Lets go Theo.' He whispered and then looked between his father and I with a grin. 'Catch ya later folks!'

Saying that he left for his room, leaving Dimitri and I alone to debate about our choices.

'Don't being so stubborn Freya.'

'You asked me a question to which I gave a reply. That isn't being stubborn.' I countered.

'We are raising three children together, you're thirty yea-'

'So?' I narrowed my eyes at him. 'I already popped out the babies so there's no "your biological clock is ticking" needed.'

'Fine, but we've had two children together and you STILL refuse to marry me, how many times do I need to ask?' He asked me exasperated.

'The minute you say yes to a puppy, I say yes to marriage.' I shrugged.

'You're infuriating.' He huffed annoyed and the door bell rang.

'I know.' I gave him a quick peck on his cheek and made my way to open the door, knowing exactly who was standing behind it.

In front of the door was- wait. A puppy. My eyes widened and I bent down to pet the little canine who looked so hyper but at the same time so lost. He gave an excited bark when I went to touch his head and almost shouted with happiness when he licked my hand. Dangling from his bright red collar was a small black box.

'Have I ever told you how much I love you?' I asked Dimwit with tears filling my eyes. This wasn't his first proposal to me, God knows how many times I told him no, but knowing that this was the time I was finally going to say yes made me emotional.

'You've told me how much you HATE me when you were in labour.' He smiled. I knew he was going to agree to the puppy, but the way he proposed sure made me get the good kind of goosebumps.

'The puppy is so cute.' I cried some more, picking it up from the box and cooing to it. The little golden retriever tilted its head towards the right and barked happily.

'Are you going to give the ring any attention?'

'I've seen it before.' I murmured distracted.

'Wow, exactly the reaction every man wishes for when he proposes. By the way, I'm assuming it's a yes this time?' I nodded, kissing the pups head with love. Now our family was complete. Damien came out of his room and he too ran straight to the puppy instead of congratulating his father. I taught him well.

'Et tu brute?' Dimwit dramatically sighed, I heard a loud cry from inside the room and turned to give him the pick-up-the-baby look. Once he was gone Damien turned to me with a twinkle in his eyes.

'Jumping on the inside Fifi?'

'It took him four years to agree, but we finally got what we wanted.' I winked at him. 'Now you can officially call me your step-mom.'

'I uh, sort of already started doing that three years back?' He scratched the back of his head. 'It was complicated to explain everything especially after papa's public proposal fail.'

'Your father has given us some good laughs.' I grinned. Dimwit walked into the room with Theo looking curiously at us huddled around the puppy. He looked a little upset, and I wasn't sure it was because he wasn't getting attention or because he was hungry, so I excused myself to go breastfeed him while the boys were busy.

After I was done feeding and burping Theo, Dimwit sneaked into the room and wrapped his arms around my waist.

'Fiancé.' He whispered into my ear. I put Theo back into his crib and closed my eyes while leaning into Dimitri's muscular chest. He again hugged me and placed a gentle kiss on the crook of my neck. 'I've waited so long to call you this.'

'No one stopped you.' I told him. 'I mean we are practically married, what's a piece of paper going to do.'

'Well you legally can't cheat on me, but you're lazy you wouldn't anyways.'

'I'm a lawyer, I'll find some loophole.' I stuck my tongue out. 'You really thought I'd cheat on you?' I narrowed my eyes.

'Nah, you love me, and I somehow love you too.'

'Don't get to ahead of yourself, I can still say no.' I jokingly threatened him.

'You can't cook. You NEED me.'

'Yeah I do, all of you.' I pulled him closer.

Myra was going to freak out, the puppy, being flower girl in her parents wedding-wait, where was she?

'Wasn't it your turn to go pick Myra from Lola's house?' I asked Dimwit quietly.

'Damn it!'


So they have two kids, Theo and Myra! And ofcourse, not so little Damien.

Lawfully Dysfunctional (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now