Chapter 9

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Monday, 5 June 2017 – Joshua

The agency called me a few hours after she left my office. She lost the baby, my baby. I was devastated because in a big way I felt responsible. Maybe if I treated her with more dignity everything would have worked out fine. I had no idea why being around her triggered my spoiled attitude, it was uncontrollable.

The one moment I would feel calm in her presence and then I will explode for no apparent reason. Even Jennifer pointed out my strange behavior whenever it came to be the subject of our discussions. I asked Jennifer daily if she has heard from Skylar yet, but nothing.

To keep myself from going out of my mind I decided to rearrange my schedule and moved up business dealing up. I landed here yesterday and even though I was staying in the Penthouse Suite of the Georgian Hotel it was impossible to sleep.

Every time I closed my eyes I would see the image of her blood on the pump room floor. It was haunting me and the CCTV footage played on repeat in my head. It was impossible to shake the visions from my mind and even in my sleep it haunted me.

In my nightmares I relive a punishing out of body experience that feels as if it really happened. I see myself staring at the footage of her frightened state. Her pink dress starts to transform from the waist down and turns bright red. She takes notice of the wetness and pushes her palms against her clothing and brings them to her face. Blood, so much blood. She runs out of my building leaving a thick blood trail behind her. While she is in so much pain I see the image of myself laughing as I look at the CCTV footage.

I am waiting in the meeting room of the hotel for the current manager of my new acquired company. After the owner, Craig Weber, passed away unexpectedly the company was offered to the highest bidder. I have been looking over and over the financial statements but none of this is making sense to me.

Peter Matthews, the current manager, walks into the room. He is a few years older than me with dark blonde hair and brown eyes. He demands attention, his dominating personality makes it clear that he is in a high position. I invited him to take a seat and he do so without hesitation. Irritated with the turn of events with Skylar I jump into my questions, willing the thought of her away.

Peter tells me of all the concepts that they have presented to Mr. Weber, but he never launched any of the projects. The project that interested me the most was the wearable medical device for people with medical conditions like epilepsy, Diabetes, heart conditions that could track your medical information and would vibrate when levels started to get irregular and would sound an alarm if this goes unattended.

Peter had an excellent mind for business and when he noticed my enthusiasm about the device he sweetens the deal by telling me that there was a medical company already interested. I am puzzled that someone would let an opportunity like this slip. I give him the go ahead for the project and he smiles broadly at me.

"I have been going over the financial statements and something is bothering me. Every week the company receives a deposit from CROW Holdings can you elaborate?" I look over at Peter and he looks uncomfortable and clears his throat a few times before he finally answers.

"Um, Mr. Webber owned a part of the holdings. Every time I inquired about this he told me that the company received profit shares from them." He was uncomfortable speaking about this, it was clear that he was not giving me all the information.

"Very well, thank you for meeting with me." I tell him ending our meeting.

"Mr. Blake, we were led to believe that you would be making cut downs, when would you like to discuss that?" Peter asks more hesitantly, his sudden insecurity gives me a different picture about him.

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