28 • Tidal Wave

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Chapter Twenty-Eight

One could not truly be lost if one knew one's own heart.

But he feared he may be lost without knowing hers.

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Bond Beach became a festival within itself.

     Theo had never heard of the Firelight Festival prior to arriving into the small town, but once he heard the deep bass of the drums starting to roll, he knew it was going to be something out of this world.

     Street dancers, circus acts, martinis in the air his eyes flashed over the beach trying to absorb everything at once. Fire blurred across his vision as performers did all sorts of stunts, and the crowd's lively cheers gave a tingle to his bones. Added with the rhythmic Caribbean music, Theo breathed in the art and passion and soul.

     He could tell the others felt the same. But there was one person he couldn't look away from.

     The fire reflected off of El's eyes, making the brown colour smoulder into an earthy, caramel tone. And when she looked at him, god  his whole body warmed, his blood pounded, his breath caught.

     Jesus, why did she have to be so fucking beautiful?

    "Are you guys going to stand here all day or dance your asses off?" El teased, a playful smirk on her lips.

     Daisy grinned and swung her arm over her shoulder. "Now that's the Lenny I'm talking about!"

     Theo, Zach, El, Daisy and Jeff — who the girls dragged despite the boy's protests — joined the fray, where the crowd was the largest. It wasn't similar to a night in the club, where it was harmless fun; no, right here, right now, there was a connection between all of them. An invisible tether that buzzed beneath their bones and in their blood saying, forget everything and anything else, for this one night is infinite.

     Laughter became the music of the soul and firelights became the stars of the night.

     But little did he know that the drums extended far beyond the beach.

    "Holy shit, how big is this actual party?!" Daisy shouted.

    "Not big enough!" Zach howled.

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