Chapter 12: Lingering Pain

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Chapter 12

I know I keep saying this, but I really really wanna thank all of you awesome readers and reviewers! This story wouldn't even be continued without you guys!

"Emily Fields you are a total rockster you are so getting me into harvard!" - Hanna Martin



"Em, you got everything packed?" Maya asked her girlfriend, hugging her from behind.

"Spencer helped, so I'm absolutely sure everything's here." Emily smirked, looking over at a dazed Spencer.

"She's still not ok, right?" Maya asked, lowering her voice only for Emily to hear.

"No... We thought she would feel better, but it's already been 2 weeks since the break up... School starts next week." Emily explained quietly for her girlfriend.

They looked over at Spencer in silence, noticing her slump as she looked out lazily.

Spencer wasn't aware of them, still in her own world.

And none of them noticed the shadow peeking out at the back of the St Germaine's lawn.


"Where are we going?" Hanna asked Aria as the girls loaded into her car.

"Secret..." she sang out mockingly, ignoring Maya and Emily's muffled giggles as Hanna frowned.

She was now 2 months pregnant, and a small bump was growing. Only Aria had the nerve to irritate her since Spencer was never in the mood to.

"Hmph, just hurry up and drive then!" Hanna pouted sardonically.


After a long ride, with several bathroom stops for Hanna, coffee breaks for everyone (but mostly Hanna, anyway) and photo taking of an interesting art piece (Aria's idea), the girls finally reached their destination.

"Remember the bar Ali showed us? The one where we go our fake IDs?" Aria asked as Hanna held hers up gleefully.

"Well, it's been renovated after the... Incident there." Aria explained as the girl minus Maya nodded knowingly.

"Fill you in later," Emily whispered to Maya as she kissed her cheek.

"But it's a bar... Hanna can't drink now!" Spencer spoke up for the first time since the trip started.

"Hey hey hey! There's always VIGRIN drinks!" Hanna shot back, annoyed that she couldn't join them in the fun.

"So Hanna momma isn't thinking for her child?" Maya asked teasingly, bringing about a round of laughter.

"But momma always thinks for her child!" Hanna cooed lovingly, ignoring giggles they were all giving her.


"This is da bomb!" Aria cheered as the girls pulled Hanna away from the bartender.

"Hey! I wanted another shot of VIRGIN drinks!" she emphasized, staring longingly at the alcohol.

"Anymore virgin, Hanna, and you're going home." Emily joked as Hanna reluctantly pulled away from the bar.

"Dance, Spence!" Maya tried, as Emily pulled Spencer to the dance floor.

"Don't feel like it." she whispered, drowning herself in another Vodka, ignoring Emily's gentle tugs.

Raising an eye brown at Emily, Maya tried another tactic. "Well forget about bring subtle."

"Yeah, you better get down here before my hormones get the better of me!" Hanna teased, pulling Spencer too.

"For me? Team Sparia, remember?" Aria tried, smiling sweetly.

"Alright, since Aria never is sweet," Spencer paused as Aria smirked, "And pregnant people are scary. Just ask Melissa."

Giggling, the girls linked arms and strutted to the dance floor.


"A, I need a bathroom break." Hanna whimpered, tugging Aria's sleeve.

"Again? 2 months and it's like you're 6 months pregnant." she sighed deeply

"Well, I'll go myself then!" Hanna sniffed sheepishly as she ran upstairs to the bathroom.

It brought back some nostalgic memories, running up the same stairs that the girl fell from years ago. Weirdly, they haven't found out if it was Ali's fault or not.

The bathroom was located on the top floor, and Hanna went in to relief herself. "Too many 'virgin' drinks, Hanna." she murmured to herself.

Stepping out of the bathroom, Hanna was lost in thought. She absentmindedly walked, thinking about her incoming pregnancy checkup, her wedding plans, and school.

Being pregnant certainly wasn't number one on her list, but she was willing to work hard to keep her baby. School was still a problem, but she was trying to find a solution.

Reaching the top of the stairs, she was still deep in thought. The only thing that jostled her out of thought was when a hand pushed her down.


"Where's Hanna?" Maya asked, as the girls danced.

"Bathroom," Aria replied, smirking as Emily giggled. Hanna was infamous for her bathroom visits; and now that she was going for another one, the girls joked about it.

Suddenly, Maya's phone rang out from her pocket, and she rushed out to answer it after checking the caller ID.

Moments after Maya left, a scream rang out, causing the girls to jump in shock.

Recalling the same scene years ago, Spencer came to her senses. The crowd around the stairs, the unconscious girl, the wails of the ambulance...

It seemed unreal, running towards the same staircase, squeezing through the crowd to find out who it was. Spencer didn't know what to expect, or who that victim was.

Doing the same thing she did years ago, she shoved through the crowd to the bottom of the stairs, crying out when she saw that girl.

With that unmistakable blonde hair and a hand over her abdomen, grasping in pain, Spencer was sure it was Hanna.

"HANNA!" she screamed in fear, rushing over to help her friend as her eyes screwed up tightly in pain.

The rest of the girls rushed over just as quickly, with Emily calling the ambulance.

"I should've gone with her!" Aria cried out, holding Hanna's hand as blood flowed profusely from the deep cut on her head.

"Hanna, what hurts?" Spencer tried, holding her other hand.

"The.. The baby," she stammered out, before collapsing in Emily's arms.

The girls made way for the paramedics to attend to Hanna, before following them out to the ambulance, with an unconscious Hanna on the stretcher.

The girls watched on helplessly as the doors shut close with Hanna inside. Soon, the wails of the ambulance went softer and softer as it went further away.

Watching it go in disbelief, their phones chimed in unison.

"You don't think..." Emily trailed off as Spencer looked around.

"A," they cried out together, feeling faint when they read the message.

"That little push was just the beginning of Hannakins! -A"


Uh oh... What happened to Hanna?

Sorry for not posting for awhile. School work is killing me :(

Please continue reading to find out what happens next! Comment and like please!!!

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