Chapter 7: losing comes with consequences

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Thanks to 15cookies for being a fan, I really appreciate it!

Disclaimer: I don't own the pretty little liars or Selena Gomez's EMA song, or The cheetah girls!

After a quite long break, I present to you:



"Congratulaaaations to us, yeahhh!" sang Hanna as she modified Selena Gomez's song.

Caleb covered his ears mockingly as his girlfriend and soon-to-be wife pouted, sticking her bottom lip out like a child. He pulled her closer and kissed her cheek as Hanna giggled.

"Cut it with the romance, some people want to come back and study you know!" huffed Spencer, who was getting anxious.

It was senior skip day, and Hanna had take the liberty to plan an entire day for the gang. Knowing their best friend, it wasn't any surprise that the girls were suspicious of the place Hanna was taking them to.

"Aw, chill Spence. Don't be jealous cos Caleb kissed Hanna. I'll kiss you back," grinned Toby as he leaned in to kiss Spencer on her lips.

"Look who's talking now..." murmured Aria as she crossed her arm frustratedly. She was alone with Emily, since Ezra had to teach and Maya had to catch up on school work.

"Aw, come on! I'm not that bad to be stuck with," nudged Emily and she hugged her best friend.

"Let's go! Caleb, you drive. Toby, you help Caleb. The directions are specifically written there! Girls, we crash at the back." Hanna instructed the boys as Spencer reluctantly left Toby.

"We're all squashing at the back?" Aria whined as Spencer glared at Hanna for separating her and Toby.

"Cheer up, my car is bigger than you think, ok! Oh, stop it Spence. One car ride won't kill you if you don't sit with Toby." Hanna retorted as Emily and Aria giggled at Spencer's horrified expression.

As the gang flooded into Hanna's luxurious car her dad had bought her, Hanna looked back in the other direction, wondering how long the girls could be together before college separated them.


"Emily's squashing me!"

"Oh, talk about yourself, Spence!"

"I'm stuck with all of you!"

Aria sighed as the girls whined non stop beside her. The boys had chosen the time to ignore them and continue driving. If only Ezra was here,' she thought lonelily.

30 minutes and counting, this was truly the longest ride ever.


"A, ask Spencer to quit hogging the seat!"

"Go away, Hanna! Team Sparia helps each other, not you!"

"Ow quit slapping!"

"Em, that hurt!"

"SHUT UP!" hollered Aria, annoyed with her friends and their childish actions. All three girls turned towards her, gaping openly at Aria, who seldom, no, NEVER, screamed.

Toby and Caleb sniggered as Hanna pouted, Spencer folded her arms and Emily continued staring at Aria. The car got relatively quiet as the girls stopped talking.

"Aw guys, I'm sorry!" Aria whispered after a moment of silence.

"I'm sorry for 'hogging' the seat," Spencer quoted, snorting at Hanna who was still pouting.

"I'm sorry for being bored," Hanna answered, nudging Spencer.

"And I'm actually sorry for making noise," Emily said sympathetically, eyeing Spencer and Hanna warily as they continued nudging each other.

The four girls gathered closely for a group hug as the boys looked back enviously.

"We're here, Hanikins! Care to explain where we are?" called Caleb, interrupting their short group hug.

"Caleb! Why did you bring us to the shopping mall?" Hanna hissed at him, shocked at their surroundings.

"Well, to be honest, Toby and I sorta... Lost your directions when we opened the window. It kinda flew out, so we made a wild guess that it was to the mall." Caleb answered apologically as Toby glared at him.

"Hey dude, I wasn't the one who opened the window!"

"I thought we were in this together!"

The boys continued their fight as Hanna rubbed her temples in attempt to sooth her headache.

"Hey, who cares about directions? Let's just hang out here!" Spencer offered, trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah, shopping remember? Your home away from home..." Aria helped as Emily hugged Hanna tightly.

"Alright... But I was planning to take you guys to the fun park nearby!" Hanna whined, causing Caleb to rush towards her.

"Who cares? The boys can help us hold our stuff. It's their fault anyway," Emily smirked as the girls passed the boys without a second glance.

"Silent treatment. Thanks for opening the window, Caleb." Tony narrowed his eyes at him.

"Come on, you didn't warn me!" he tried as they followed the girls into the mall.


"That is SOO cute!" Hanna shrieked as Aria held up a red halter top.

"Strut like you mean it, free your mind!" Spencer and Emily sang as they tried on some heels.

"Dude, I hate you so much I can't even say anything," hissed Toby as they waited for the girls.

"Oh shut up, I'm holding more bags than you!" Caleb sighed as the girls rushed off with their shopping to pay.


"Phew, I have finally shopped till I dropped," Hanna said as the girls plopped down in their seats in the cafe.

The girls nodded in agreement, with Spencer rubbing her sore heels and Hanna plopping her head on the table. Aria and Emily whipped out their phones to text their lovers.

After a moment of rest, in came Toby and Caleb, who were dragging a pile of shopping bags into the cafe.

"You girls bought enough to supply yourselves for an entire year!" Caleb groaned as the girls giggled at their state.

"Never drag me into this anymore," Toby frowned while Spencer tried to appease him.

"Aww, you brought in upon yourselves!" Hanna pouted as Caleb kissed her nose.

Aria and Emily sniggered when they saw how Hanna and Spencer could cheer their boyfriends up so fast.

"Maybe we could do this again sometime," Aria tried as the girls ordered their drinks. Nobody responded since the boys were being pampered by their girlfriends.

Emily giggled, looking back at the lovebirds, she said,"Well, now it's definitely settled. Another shopping trip it is!"

So after ordering their drinks, the girls trailed out of the cafe with Toby and Caleb in tow.

And this time, they couldn't do anything about it.


Yay!!! Senior skip! this chapter is kinda short, I'm so sorry! I have quite a lot of things to do before school starts, so don't expect much!

Also, please follow my new instagram account: @gleekonfire!

I have a tumblr too, it's:

Please follow! I post pictures about the hunger games, pretty little liars, Selena Gomez and glee!


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