Chapter 2: Emily needs a lover

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Chapter 2

Hey readers! Thanks for reading this story! It's my first PLL story so I hope more will read it and review! This chapter is all about girl bonding!




"So... How was last night? Did he love my outfit for you? Don't lie; you're blushing!" Hanna giggled as the girls shared knowing looks.

"It was perfect! But I doubt he even noticed my outfit after we... Um... Ripped it apart," Spencer blushed profusely, leading the girls to gasp and shriek loudly.

"You lost your virginity to Toby Cavanaugh?" Aria and Emily both screamed out. The girls took one look at red Spencer and knew it was true. They jumped up and down, earning stares from neighboring tables around.

"Shut up! Do you guys want the whole of Rosewood to know that?" Spencer hissed, pulling the screaming girls down, embarrassed at her friends.

"You know what? Who cares! Let's go to the bar to celebrate," giggled an already tipsy Hanna who had brought her flask filled with Vodka.

"My treat," smiled Spencer as the girls rushed out," Then maybe no one would take us seriously since everyone there is drunk," she muttered, following the delighted girls.


"WHOO PARTY!" grinned Hanna who was sexy dancing with an unknown guy on the dance floor.

"I kissed Ezra over there!" shrieked Aria as Spencer nodded, taking the drunk girl away from the bar, preventing her from drinking.

"Hi handsome, do you know any girls? Cos I'm lesbian... And I need someone to hold me," winked Emily at another screwed boy, who was sneaking a peek down her top. Too bad Emily was too drunk to notice it.

"Oh God, why is everyone so drunk? All they had was a couple of drinks... Oh no! I forgot to confiscate Hanna's drink flask!" a surprisingly sober Spencer slapped her forehead in anger. Now she had to deal with 3 drunk girls, who clearly were blurting out nonsense.

"Hanna! You have a boyfriend! Remember Caleb?" Spencer hissed at the dancing girl, pulling her away from the equally drunk boy. " Sorry, she's taken. P.S, you should seriously shave," she smirked as the boy rubbed his unshaved chin.

Dragging Hanna away from the dance floor proved difficult when there was another attraction in sight: the stage. Apparently, Hanna wanted to sing karaoke with Spencer and was making her way to the stage.

"I WANNA SING! SPENCERRR" Hanna shrieked at a deafened Spencer who was trying to drag her away.

"THAT'S IT. Look right here, Hanna Marin. Talk anymore crap about singing, and I'm throwing that hip flask away, got it?" a furious Spencer felt like a mother, scolding a stubborn child in public. Surprising, Hanna gave no problem afterwards as Spencer started her quest in finding Aria.

"HEY THERE! Did ya know I kissed a teacher right here before?" Aria grinned as the bartender poured a Bloody Mary for the tipsy girl.

"WAIT! STOP! Gimme that drink!" Spencer gasped as she rushed forward, pulling Hanna behind her as she stopped a confused Aria from drinking.

"Hey Aria, at the looks of it, everyone probably knows all o your darkest secrets by now. I suggest you keep quiet and stay tiny, k?" Spencer glared at the shorter girl as she leaned forward, almost falling of the chair if it wasn't for Spencer catching her.

"Well, at least that wasn't as bad as Hanna," Spencer mused as she searched high and low of Emily, pulling both Hanna and Aria as she went. An upbeat music filled the place as she continued her search.

"I KNOW THIS SONG!" Hanna shrieked at Aria, who nodded happily. "POPPING BOTTLES IN THE ICE, LIKE A BLIZZARD!" screamed Aria and Hanna as they followed Spencer, who almost wanted to abandon the 2 of them at once.

"Like a G6, like a G6," Hanna and Aria's singing threatened to make Spencer blow up. Among the crowd of drunk teenagers, she finally spotted Emily, who was sobbing uncontrollably at a nearby seat.

"WHAT AM I?!?" she wailed as Spencer approached her wearily. "Spencer, WHY?" she hollered out, stunning Spencer who was trying her hardest to control Hanna and Aria.

"Look, Em. You are clearly the most drunk. Since when did you shout?" Spencer asked in soothing voices, trying to calm a saddened Emily.

"I KISSED A GUY!" she shrieked as more tears poured out. Spencer peeped at her black face as tears smudged Emily's mascara.

"Oh, Em. Let's get all of you cleaned up, then we'll talk, ok?" she said as the girls begged for another drink. Standing firmly on her ground, she dragged the girls out of the club as they moaned.

"Now guess who's lucky enough to hold a sleepover with drunk, wailing girls in her house?" asked Spencer as she drove the sleeping girls home. "Oh right, that's me!" she whispered sarcastically, sighing when Hanna started snoring.


Uh oh... What happened to Emily? She's confused about her sexuality! And whoa look at these drunk girls! Luckily there's Spencer to control them before things get out of hand. Please read and review? The song was called "LIKE A G6" by far east moment. I NEED SOME READS AND REVIEWS BEFORE I CAN UPDATE!

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