Chapter 7 part II

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Author's P.O.V.

Day 3:

Jungkook found all his stuff untouched.. All his clothes were neatly stacked in their closet, his shoes where carefully placed on its respective boxes, his neckties were arranged on their closet, while his perfume stood still on the top of their built in cabinets..

Nothing had changed in their house..

Not even the slightest touch..

Jimin made sure to clean up every single room everyday.. He never wanted to have a house keeper due to his high standards..

Jungkook was there when Jimin does the chores.. He must be, it was his 3rd day of the week.. They even planned to have a dinner date at the nearby restaurant where they usually eat on their first few months together as married couple..

They were now busy finding the right clothes to wear..

'Can't we just wear casual clothes? I know it's kinda bad idea but, we can eat somewhere else.. It's not a big deal, Jimin..'

'But it is to me!!' He whines. 'That restaurant is part of our life, Kookie.. We have to eat there or else...'

'or else what?'

'W-we can't eat there again, remember?? Maybe I can, but us? I-it's impossible..' He sighed.

'Hey, hey, look at me.. /cupped his cheeks and smiled/ We can eat at the restaurant whenever we want.. I promise..' He gave him his reassuring smile.

'C-can I believe in your words now?'

'Of course, Jimin.. I mean it this time..' He leaned closer at pecked the smaller's forehead.

The latter giggles at the gesture.. Even if this is all part of the request, Jimin felt loved.. He knew that he will never find someone as great as his soon to be ex-husband.. He was one of a kind, no wonder why Lisa made her way to break them apart..

'Kookie, can I ask you a question?' He placed their clothes on the bed and sat beside it.

'What is it?'

'What did Lisa told you about the favor? Is she mad?' He simply asked.

'W-wait, you knew about my relationship with L-lisa? Since when?' He panicked.

'Well, I got this uneasy feeling after your flight to Singapore eight months ago.. You knew how sensitive I was to the changes right? Well, I saw some of it after that flight and I'm always sure with my intuition.. A-are you going to marry her after we got divorced?' Now he was scared. So scared for Jungkook's answer.

'W-Well, I hope so.. She was really insisting me to marry her after the divorce.. I don't even know why..'

'Do it, Kookie..' He smiled.

'What?? But why?'

'I believed that Lisa was just trying to secure your future.. I know you love her and she loves you too.. Stop doubting yourself.. Do what makes you happy..' He cupped his cheeks.

'But I don't really know if that's what make me happy.. She was like, rushing everything.. Isn't it better if we could just stay like this without deeper commitment? I don't know... I really don't know..' Jungkook held the latter's hand and sighed heavily. 'Why can't we just go back to the past and fix everything we've done wrong..'

'It's better to learn our lessons in life than to force yourself to something that you aren't happy.. It's one of the reasons why time machine wasn't invented in reality.. You people always dreamed of coming back to the old you to fix your mess, when it should be done in the first place..' He lectured.

'But still, I wanted to go back to our past, when we got married! I want to congratulate him for having someone as beautiful as you..' He smiled.

'Is that true?'

'I won't lie anymore..'

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