Trivia 7

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Kya figure skates and this is how she obtained a private scholoarship to attend Kanna Academy.

She loves playing video  games, but is horrbile at boss battles and often needs Cam's help.

Alexei is very popluar at school, but doesn't know it. While not a star atlhe, he is on muiltpae sports teams throughout the school year. 

Alexei loves watching movies, but has been known to have a fifty-fifty record of picking werid movies and equally good ones. 

While a computer expert, Cam has stated he hates hacking as it is diffcult and boring. This is partically a reason he created the dual sub-hacking programs. He perfers programing and reprograming.

Like Kya, Cam loves video games and creates his own in his spare time (unknown to the group).

Lynn loves playing music and has been trying to form his own band. While he doesn't like sports, he is often a starting player for most of the teams he plays on. 

Like Kya, Lynn obtained a private scholarship to attend Kanna Academy because of his althice. Mainly, because he quickly adapt to any sport.

While trapped on Lyoko, Emi has gained a love of movies and tv. Because of this, she has developed a love of art (unknown to the group).

She also enjoys working on different programs with Cam.

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