A message from the Lyoko Defenders

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Emi: Hey everyone! *Waves into the camara* Emi here, along with the rest of the Defenders.

Kya: Hey.

Lynn: Yo.

Cam: Hello.

Alexei: Hey.

Emi: Can't you guys say it with more exiectment? *playfully shoves Lynn and Alexei* It's been almost a whole year and our readers have stayed with us the entire time. The least we could do is Q&A or behind the scenes extra.

Alexei: *yawns* Do we have too? I was up late last night.

Cam: *snorts* Yeah, watching movies.

Alexei: Cam! Do you have to tell everyone!?

Kya: *rolls eyes* Can we move on? I've got practice in an hour.

Lynn: Why did you gather us here Emi?

Emi: This is the place where we all first met. *gestures to the mansion' s lab* What better place for this?

Alexei: What exactly is 'this'?

Cam: You never told us why we had to come to the mansion. Only to be here after school.

Emi: Would you have come if I told you we were doing a Q&A and doing some behind the scenes things?

Kya: *raises an eyebrow* What is this, deleted scenes from one of Alexei's bad movies?"

Alexei: Hey! My movies are great! You just can't apparticate them. Right, Cam?

Cam: So behind the scenes? How should we start?

Lynn: You could begin with how you've never gotten detention for consistly skipping classes, general."

Emi: Now that you mention it. Cam's skipped an unusal amount of classes. How have you not gotten in trouble?

Alexei: Oh that's simple. Cam and I have been attending Kanna Academy since fifth grade, a year before Lynn and two years before Kya and Emi. Basically, teachers are use to me and Cam missing class because of mom.

Kya: Care to explain that in a way all of us can understand?

Cam: What bonehead means is, Ms. Tyia was more forgetful than she is now. She use to call on us every other day or, in some rarer cases, every other class period.

Lynn: *stares at Cam with a doubtful expression* Ms. Tyia can be a bit of a scatter brain, but she's not that bad.

*Cam and Alexei share a knowing look*

Alexei: You don't know her like we do. Trust us, she's forgotten to buy food for two months once.

Cam: *shakes his head in agreement* If it weren't for school providing three meals a day, we would've starved.

Kya: Okay, we get it. The teachers are use to you running errands for Ms. Tyia. But that still doesn't explain how Cam's never gotten detention. Don't the teachers double check with Ms. Tyia? Or at the very least get annoyed with her for 'pulling' you out of class alot?"

Cam: *shrugs* Not really. They trust me, unlike Alexei.

Alexei: I'm trustworthy....most of the time.

Cam: Besides, all of the teachers know my sis' threat to pull me out of school if my grades are bad or she recieves a bad report. So, they know I'll both catch up on any work I've missed and turn all work in as well. As for Alexei, they know Ms. Tyia will get less than pleased if he uses her to skip class or he's grades are bad.

Lynn: Somehow that's not as interesting as I thought it'd be.

Kya and Emi: Agreed.

Emi: Shall we move onto the Q&A?

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