Chapter 24

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"Who are you and what are you doing here?" The King demanded angrily before noticing how close You was to us. "You, get away from them at once, they may not be safe."

You stood up cautiously and hurried over to him, glancing worriedly back at us all the way, "but they seem so nice, plus, they are on a quest. Can you believe that? It's so exciting."

"I'm so sorry but we just can't risk it. We can't risk you," the King turned back to us. "Explain this... this... quest," he winced at the word.

"Well, your daughter was the one to send us," I began to explain nervously. I knew I had to tell the truth, a strong Mage was able to detect a lie without even using a spell. Besides, what I'd already heard about the King proved this wouldn't be such a huge feat.

"What on earth are you on about?" The King asked, now more bemused than furious. "I have no daughter, unless you count You here, whom is close enough to a daughter for me."

You snuggled into the King happily.

"But what about Princess Rhoslyn?" Comet questioned.

"You mean Rose?" The King appeared to be about to burst into laughter until he considered what this actually meant. "Are you telling me you believe I am in fact the King of these lands?"

Comet shrugged, "well obviously, you are wearing a crown for goodness sake."

I scowled at Comet. Why did she have to act like this every time we met royalty?

"What?" She asked defensively after spotting my annoyance, "it's true."

"Certainly," the possibly not King, King agreed. "And I may not be the King but I warn you I have just enough power to destroy you."

Comet instantly leaped to her feet. I wondered why she always seemed to end up making fights worse.

"Are you saying you want to fight, you king wannabe?" She growled, marching towards him.

The, now definitely not King, person looked shocked by this insane action before coming to his senses and pushing You behind him. Lifting up his hands, a gold glow began pulsing from him, lighting up his face.

"Stop," Griffin commanded. He positioned himself in front of Comet, fists clenched by his side.

"Ah," the person who I only knew wasn't the King but wore a crown, muttered delightedly, "a fellow Mage. This will be a much better fight."

"No, I refuse to fight you," Griffin stated.

"Oh, why?" Comet moaned, stomping her foot in frustration.

"Because he's Archer, the Prince," I whispered, my brain finally joining the dots.

"Any one would know that," Archer argued, "still doesn't mean I shouldn't fight you."

"You're the Prince?" You muttered wide eyed in shock.

"Your sister sent us on this quest. Surely that means you can trust us?" I pleaded desperately.

"I never have trusted Rose, no reason to begin now."

"Surely we can talk this out without having to fight?" Honour obviously joined me in my opinion of peaceful talking.

Archer looked as if he were considering this but quickly shook his head, a glint in his eye. "I don't think so. I still have no solid proof you come in peace, might as well just risk it."

I began to see that Archer hadn't seemed to have grown up. Whatever happened those many years ago shocked or traumatised the Prince so much that he remained in that mind frame. He appeared to be a young teenager stuck inside a, nearly, 30 year olds body, wanting to play fight.

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