This is the End

2.6K 72 41

Guys, thank you. So much. I can't express how thankful I am. We have over 100K reads. This is new to me but, sadly I found out that my uncle has Liver Cancer that can't be cured. He has until around April 20th... So with my school life, sports, family life, and pure stress all on my back I'm calling quits. This book is over... But so it isn't lost to time I want you to write Oneshots and send them to me, so I can add them to my book. I originally wanted to do that at 50K but I didn't. So by ending this book, I can accomplish my goal.

The rest of this will be just a rant about you guys so you can leave if you want but stay if you want to see how much you guys have helped me.

November 15, 2017. This is the date this book published, with a mere four reads during the first few month. Can you believe that? But my King Dice x Reader (December 11, 2017) where I first killed the reader, thats when my reads started climbing. I thought 1K was a big number, none of my books ever reached it. I was so happy that I wanted to write more, so I did. And the more I wrote the more comments and votes and reads I gained, I read your comments on how you wanted me to continue writing and making stories and some comments would have me in tears.  I can't thank you guys enough, my depressing suicidal one shots were me ranting about thoughts that crossed my mind when I was depressed (Minor). I want to be there, I want to write more for this collection but I can't. I'd be forcing my self to do work that isn't fun anymore. I write until it's no longer fun, because it turns into work. But you guys don't understand how you have affected my life, just your comments are enough to get me to smile or laugh. But there's always a stop to how much happiness you can have, because right around 2K my friend came to me a cried out everything. How she would cut herself, how she hated life and how she wanted to kill her self. I was in shock, she was so happy the day before but when she came to me I almost broke down with her. But I didn't, I called her daily to check-up on her, I would go to her house and hug her everyday. I pushed her through her worst moments, she moved a few months later. I got a text at 3 am telling me that she loved me (like friend style), that no one could ever replace me because I could do what do else could to her. I could make her smile. But when she moved away I lost everything. My brother would torment me, I had one friend who I didn't want to stress to because she was already stressed, I couldn't talk to my friend because she moved. I was alone, so when I went to you guys I got so many inspiring comments on how I could push through and that made me feel like I mattered. None of you have ever met me yet you still made me feel as if I was a queen to you guys. With you guys I made it through the few months until I moved then when I did I was just awful. My brother turned 16, apparently turning 16 makes him a king. Its sad but I'm used to him punching me. You guys don't understand how much you guys affected my life so much and all I can say is Thank you.

This is all I have to say, so Goodbye.

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