King Dice x Kitten! Reader

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((((The Image up top is a Maine Coon OMG ITS SOO FLUFFY))))

You stumbled along the icy cold road, your tiny kitten paws struggling to keep your tiny body from sliding down the steep road. It was sleeting rather hard tonight, each time one of the golf-sized ice pellets hit your back you mewled in pain. You heard the clicking of what seemed to be boot heels, you stopped to turn and look but you ended up sliding down the sidewalk. You desperately tried to regain traction between your paws and the slick sidewalk but you couldn't. You let out a loud cry as you slid down the sidewalk, the ice on the sidewalk digging into and burning your tiny paws but you stopped went you hit something, it was large and purple and smelled like rubber. You looked up at the man, your large green hazel eyes gazed upon the large purple suited man.

King Dice's POV:

It was hailing rather hard tonight, not much of a surprise. For the past few weeks it was constant hail, but this had to be one of the worse hail storms these past few weeks. I had my suit top covering my head as so I wouldn't get bombarded with the large pieces of hail. But a small mewl and something hitting my shoe caused me to stop and look down. My heart melted when I saw a small ball of wet fur with large eyes look up at me. Its black and tan matted fur along with its large green pleading eyes hurt, I wondered where the kitten's mother was but to my understanding the mother was no where near by. The hail was coming down harder and bigger than before, looking around once again I bent down, taking the soft kitten with my gloved hand. I watched as it squirmed and mewled but I knew that it had no where better to go. Holding it close to myself, I sped back to the casino. I didn't know if Boss would allow such a small pure thing in the casino but hell I'd try to convince him.

Throwing my coat onto the coat rack within the boss' office I checked on the tiny kitten. It had curled into my hand, its soft purr made me unconditionally smile. "Dice...What's that in your hands?" The devils baritone boomed as he opened and closed his office door. I jumped slightly, "B-boss I uh. Well I found uh heron the icy street and it was hailing and I c-couldn't leave her." I said quickly, "God damnit whats in your hand-" He was cut off when Dice showed the tiny kitten to him, his eyes widen and dilated as he could feel himself melt. "We're keeping it..." He said quickly as he covered his eyes and disappeared. Dice was ecstatic as he smiled widely, you had woken up. You placed both of your tiny freezing paws onto his chest, you purred softly as you rubbed on him, marking him as yours.

Your POV:

Dice had filled his room with the cat essentials; a large cat tree, a cat bowl, some Dice shaped wall dancers, little plants that you could eat, a super soft basket for you to sleep in, and a gold/purple collar. He had cleaned you up, now your coat had its nice natural shine once again. You had grown as well, you were a beautiful cat no lying there. You at the moment had been sprawled along the liquor shelf at the top of the bar, your tail hanging over the edge slightly. Mrs Martini growled as she reached up to the shelf, you playfully batted her hand, she whacked you and grabbed the bottle she needed. You hissed and stood up, and walked along the shelf. You jumped down, landing on the bar you proceeded to make your way towards the tables. 

Off in the corner you saw Dice having a quarrel with some man, he must have been cheating. You watch as the man punched Dice, sending him into the wall, you bolted towards them. You jump, claws extended and teeth bared. You hiss and bite, claw and scratch at this man, blood most definitely being drawn. The man cursed wildly, trying to pry you off of him. Dice recollected his bearings as he watched you shred this man's face. Wow you were doing quite the damage. The Devil had walked out of his office to see you shredding this man's face and the large bruise forming on the side of Dice's face. The Devil laughs as he strides over, cracking his knuckles. "What seems to be the issue." He growled looking at you, the man, and Dice, who seems to be holding in a laugh. You retracted your bloody claws, dropping to the floor you then rub against the devil's legs, purring lightly. Much different than your previous vicious and malicious attack, you hissed and bite the man's ankle before Dice picked you up. You hissed once more before you began purring softly before Dice began rubbing your head. You softly licked Dice's bruised cheek, watching as the man was dragged away, Dice smiled as he rubbed your head, he enjoyed hearing your soft purrs and mews as you became putty within his hands.


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