Human! Gardener! Cagney x Florist Reader

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(The name of the flower shop was chosen by my lovely mother, also I'm choosing to have him have dark brown eyes since his eyes are black.)

You worked at your shop called 'Reincarnation'. Cheesy yes but it spoke the truth. You only sold carnations, with this little of selection they had to be top-notch quality. Which meant you had to buy from the best, but wait that would cost a lot of money right? Wrong, you had a personal gardener that would sell you high-quality carnation for an amazing price. His name was Cagney, he had to be the best gardener in the Inkwell. Your shop wasn't that far from his garden so you would sometimes close down shop and go talk with him, you've known him for years. You sighed, finishing a bouquet of light purples, violets, and deep purple carnations that had to be done by day. The person had paid for the fastest delivery. Your fingers were numb as you had just spent the last hour and a half perfecting this bouquet. You heard the bell's soft jingle signaling someone had walked in, "Sorry just give me a second!" You yelled to the front as you put your (h/c) into a high ponytail. Putting your apron on you quickly walked to the front, "Oh hello Cagney, here with the Carnations I suppose." You said leaning on the counter slightly, he smiled as he stared at you. You admired his wild flaming orange-red hair with the cute suit he wore. He doesn't do his garden in the suit no he has an entirely different set of clothes. "Oh sorry for spacing out, nope no flowers just wanted to talk with ya." He said smiling his little smile. You chuckled at him, "Sure what cha need?" You said as you got the bouquet that you had been working and brought it to the front. "Woah so that what the purple was for." He said touching one of the petals softly, you smiled at you went back to work, "Yeah the day you got them in a customer asked for it to be made into a lovely welcome home gift for his girlfriend." You said your eyes slightly showed that you wanted a boyfriend yet, no one had really ever stood out as boyfriend material. Well, there was one but you pushed the thought away as you cut your thumb with the small scissors. You drew your hand back slightly wincing as you watched it bleed, "Pfff, watch what you're doing." He said as you licked the small cut. You then put a band-aid on it, wrapping it tightly around your thumb. You smiled as you saw Cagney sit on the counter and swing his legs over. Rolling your eyes you when back to the bouquet. You sprayed some water on to the bouquet and sighed slightly. "Man, if I had a man who would do this for me I would be set." You said, as if on cue the suited man walked in, "Here's the ticket can I have my flowers?" "Carnations, and here you go." You said handing the flowers to the man. Cagney thought about what you said, "Hey I gotta go, see ya tomorrow." He said before hopping the counter and walking out. You sighed, leaning on the counter. Rubbing your head you sighed, 'Why didn't he get the point already?' After that, you began spraying the carnations with a little bit of water to keep them fresh. You closed down shop for the night before walking home.

Next Day:

You walked to your little shop and to your surprise Cagney was there, leaning on the door to your shop. As soon as he saw you he stood up, hiding something behind in his back. "Cagney, whatcha doing?" You asked as you unlocked your store. "W-well I, I w-want to, you-know give you a carnation that meant a lot since you mean a lot to me." As he said this he pulled the (f/c) carnation from behind his back. You dropped your keys, holding the flower in your hands. You were speechless, your eyes actually began to water. Flower in hand you pulled him into a hug, he was surprised but he melted into the hug. You and he stood there hugging for a couple of minutes before you let go. But oh no that wasn't the highlight of your day, the kiss he pulled you into was. Soft and full of passion, you pulled away from lack of air. Looking into his dark brown eyes heat rushed to your face, but you were the first to say, "I love you".

(Yo I'm like 300 words off my mark...Kinda bummed me out since I did this with the last chapt as well)

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