Mastermind Makoto x Reader x Mastermind Byakuya

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Here is a bootiful picture of Fish Man thing

Spoiler between Chapter 3-6

It's been a week since you've been trapped in the masterminds room with THEM. You were tied to a chair, ropes wrapped around your ankles, wrists and stomach. You just watched Celeste being executed for killing Hifumi and Taka. Tears were falling down from your cheeks as the monitor turned off as not long after that, THEY came back.

"Wasn't that a despairing event," Byakuya said as he sat next to you, along with Makoto.
"It was since (Y/n) is crying, we must be drowning in despair," he said before licking the tears off the left side your face, making you shiver.

They continued to plan out their plan until that day were the masterminds would be discovered.
You were once again watching from the monitor but you sat in a chair for when the mastermind was chosen correctly or incorrectly, you would pop out next to the masterminds chair.

"And so, masterminds gotta be Junko Enoshima," Kirigiri said as everyone voted for Junko.
"No, no, no, no," you whimpered as you suddenly appeared in the room, tied to the chair next to the masterminds chair.
Everyone stared at you. You were not able to talk because Byakuya put a cloth around your mouth.
"Pupupupupu~ thats incorrect! The real masterminds are~~," monokuma said as you started to tear up.
"Byakuya and Makoto!"

They walked away from their podium and sat in the masterminds seat.
"Well since you guys got it wrong, that means punishment time," Makoto said in the last part in the Monokuma voice.
Byakuya hit the button and everyone was dragged away by chains to their horrible fates.

"Now we have Y/n forever!"

Requests are closed for the time being! I will open them up within two or three weeks!

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