Yandere Kyoko x Fem. Reader

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So as you noticed, I've changed the cover! New schedule will be at the bottom.

Requested by lewim189  Enjoy

Warning: Death, Blood, Gore

"Did you hear that we're getting a new student," Makoto said from behind as I walked into the classroom. "Really, do you know who they are and their Ultimate," I asked him as I sat down. "Hmm nope," once he said that, the bell rung as everyone sat into their seats.

"Alright, we have a new student today class," the teacher said as the new girl walked in.
"Hello I'm Y/n, L/n! Nice to meet you all! I'm the Shsl Ultimate Reader," she said as the teacher told them to sit right next to me.

"Hello, I'm Kyoko. I'm the-he Shsl Detective, nice to meet you," I stuttered.... I stuttered. Hm that's strange.


That all started a month ago. My heart pounds every time I see or think about Y/n. I noticed I started to act a bit different but so far that I know, no one noticed.

Makoto has started to hang (when it auto corrects to 'bang' (╭☞ ͡ ͡°͜ ʖ ͡ ͡°)╭☞) out more around my precious Y/n. I don't accept that. I want her to look at me only, and speak to me only and ahh I want her for myself. I need to do something about him though.


Later in the day I asked him to meet me behind the school after class. I waited their for about 10 minutes, with a knife behind my back pocket with some matches, a small bottle filled with gasoline and some handcuffs just in case.

"Hey Kyoko, whats up," he asked as he sat next to me on the bench that was kept behind the school. "I have something for you but I want you to closer your eyes and stick your hands out," I said as I saw his cheeks turn bright pink and he closed his eyes. Once he stuck his hands out in front of him, I grabbed his wrists with one hand and stabbed his side with the knife in my other hand. Blood oozed out from his side as he screamed and fell on the grass. I pinned him to the ground and covered his mouth so no one can hear him scream.

"Do you know why this is happening," I smirked at his terrified face. "You were getting too close with my precious Y/n and I was not going to watch you take her away from me," tears fell down his cheeks as I started laughing. He took his last breath and stopped struggling.
I grabbed his phone from his pocket, poured gasoline on him and lit him on fire.

I ran away as fast as I could with the knife in my hand and his phone. I quickly disposed the knife and turned his phone on. You read the messages he send to Y/n.

M: Hey Y/n, wanna hang out later?
Y: Sure! How's my dorm sound?
M: Good! I'll be over around half an hour after school ends.
Y: See you then ( ^ ω ^ )


You sat on the couch waiting for Makoto to come over. You heard the door knock so you got up and ran over to the door expecting Makoto to be their and alive (.. COUGH!). You opened the door and was pinned down to the floor. It was Kyoko but covered in blood.

"Kyoko!? What's going on?! Why are you covered in blood," you exclaimed, struggling. "Shh that doesn't matter, you are finally mine," she said, straddling onto your stomach (I DONT KNOW IF THAT MAKE SENSE SOMEONE PLZ TELL ME). "Wait until Makoto gets her-," "He's dead, I killed him! He was getting to close with my precious Y/n and I wasn't gonna let him steal you away from me," she lifted your chin, making you look at her. She forced your lips on hers as tears fell from your cheek, knowing Makotos death was because of you.

Part 2?

Up next:

Miu x Male Reader 🍋 (requested)

Ryoma X Reader (requested)

Yandere Nagito x Reader part 3 (🍋?) (requested)

Shuichi X Missing Reader (requested)

Pregame! Shuichi X Fem Reader 🍋

New schedule!: Mostly Tuesday's, and/ Saturday's

Reason for new schedule is that I am in Marching band and that takes place over the summer and the schedule is weird. It wouldn't coordinate with the old schedule.

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