Miu X Male Reader 🍋

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Requested by Darth_Sand 
(╭☞ ͡ ͡°͜ ʖ ͡ ͡°)╭☞ I like the way you think! welp enjoy!
At this point you should know what a lemon is so.


You were laying down on a bed, in Miu's dorm. She asked you to help her test a couple of experiments out for her, and of course by being a loving boyfriend, you said 'sure'. You thought of what she wanted to make you test? She said earlier that, 'you can be the only person to test it out though,' and so you were getting curious. What kind of experiment is it?

"Sorry it took so long Y/n I had to make sure the experiment was safe," Miu walked next to you, with her hands behind her back, as your were still laying down on her bed. "What were you doing," you asked. "Oh I told this girl, I believe her name was Mikan, that I would give her something that I made extra of," she put whatever was in her hand down on the side of the bed. (Oof I wonder what it could have been from what chapter (╭☞ ͡ ͡°͜ ʖ ͡ ͡°)╭☞) "now close your eyes, and put your hands above her head~," she commanded.

You simply shrugged and did what she requested. You felt something cold getting wrapped around your wrist. You opened your eyes and saw your hands chained together. "You could have just asked me to do it with you," you smirked. "But then I wouldn't be able to do my experiment," she straddled onto you with a syringe in her hand. "Now this will only hurt for a sec. and then we can start," she injected the needle in your shoulder. "This will make you feel a bit stiff and feel even more sensitive then you were before."

"Aw man why couldn't it be the other away around, this would have been more fu-," she cut you off by slamming her lips onto yours. You immediately kissed and tried to wrap your chained hands around her but she stopped you. "This won't do," she said as she quickly un cuffed one of your hands, wrapped it around the bed frame and cuffed once again. You tried to struggle your way out but that didn't work. "Fine, do whatever you want for your experiment," you winked at her as she grinned.

She pulled you into another kiss and stared to plant kisses all over your neck and caused moans to escape your lips. "See how sensitive you can get now." "Hm? I don't know, how about you show me more of this experiment." She continued planting kisses on your neck and suddenly started to leave a bunch of hickeys all over your neck as your moans got slightly louder. She felt the bulge in your pants and smirked. "I see that you're already horny and hard," she pulled your pants off along with your boxers and exposed your member. She grabbed it as you moaned louder. She started to rub it as you squirm around. "Aah~ Miu I'm going to," you were about to finish your sentence until Miu cut you off, "Not yet, just wait a minute," she said as she started sucking your member (don't know if I put that right Scree)

You couldn't handle it anymore. You stomach started to twist and turn. "Miu-," you tired to warn her until you came in her mouth. She swallowed it and licked her lips.

"So round two?"


Up next:

Ryoma X Reader (requested)

Yandere Nagito x Reader part 3 (🍋?) (requested)

Shuichi X Missing Reader (requested)

Pregame! Shuichi X Fem Reader 🍋 (requested)

Hajime X Short Fem. Reader 🍋 (requested)

Sayaka X Fem Reader 🍋 (requested)

Hajime X Dead! Fem reader (requested)

Ouma X Crossdresser! Suicidal! Fem Reader

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