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The silence remains for a few moments.  It's filled with thick tension, neither side coming across any more provocative than necessary. Aro seems particularly interested in the wolves intertwined with the rest of us, his eyes narrowing intensely. His army are hushed: all lacking heartbeats and oxygen in their lungs.

Though no one wants to make the first move, I'd gladly stand here all day until their side speaks first. We can't say the wrong thing or else it could all go downhill very fast.

Although I seem to be the only one with any battle strategy. Carlisle takes a step toward the Volturi's army, a passive expression on his face.

"Aro, let us discuss things as we used to. In a civilised manner."

Aro raises an eyebrow, his eyes distant an uncaring, "Fair words, Carlisle. But a little out of place, given the battalion you've assembled against us."

Carlisle shakes his head, "I can promise you, that was never my intent."

Beside Aro, another vampire steps forward, "We see the child. Do not treat us as fools."

"She is not an immortal! These witnesses can attest to that. Or you can look. See the flush of human blood in her cheeks." Carlisle's words are calm as he talks of Renesmee.

I don't know why were bothering to debate. It's so obvious they're going to take no notice of anything we say: we might as well go straight into battle. From the stiffness in his shoulders, I can tell Damon feels the same way.

The vampire beside Aro scowls, "Artifice!"

With a slight raise of his hand, Aro silences the other vampire, "I will collect every facet of the truth. But from someone more central to the story. Edward, as the child clings to your newborn mate, I assume you are involved."

Edward keeps quiet, though I can hear his teeth scrape across one another as he clenches his jaw. The last thing he wants is to take his daughter and wife to Aro — and for good reason to. The man looks absolutely mad. The bright red of his eyes only add to that madness.

Edward moves forward nevertheless. I can see the shimmer of Bella's shield surrounding him with every step he takes towards Aro. Once he reaches him, he extends his hand in, what looks like, a greeting.

Aro clasps Edward's hand in his own, his eyes fluttering closed. It's silent for at least five minutes, everyone in the clearing paying attention to nothing but the two, hand in hand.

Aro's eyes snap open, a small smile appearing upon his face, "I'd like to meet her."

I swallow. My eyes cantering on Bella as she walks across the clearing with Renesmee, Emmett and Jake.

"Ah, young Bella." Aro says, "Immortality becomes you."

Suddenly Aro's smile grows wider, and an ugly, concerning shriek falls from his lips. It grows tenser, especially on our side, as each and every one of us prepares to jump into action at any second.

"I hear her strange heart." Aro holds out his hand to Renesmee.

Renesmee looks at him for a second or two, before she walks closer, "Hello, Aro." Though she doesn't take his hand. Her little palm presses against his cheek.

Oh god, she's doing her thing. This guy collects gifted vampires for a living and she's doing her thing.

Aro seems transfixed, "Magnifico! Half mortal, half immortal. Conceived and carried by this newborn while she was still human."

The vampire closest to Aro chimes in again, "Impossible!"

You can't exactly blame him, really. If I was first hearing of it, I'd think it impossible too.

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