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"Bella isn't here, I'm afraid." Esme says sorrowfully as she walks up the staircase, leading us to the rooms we can stay in, "She and Edward have their own private residence not far from here. We thought they'd want somewhere to raise Renesmae."

I'm pretty sure they'd just want to raise her in general, instead of being slaughtered, but hey, take what you can get. It's been a while since I've been inside the Cullen's home. It's still as beautiful as it was the last time I was here, but considering my coming isn't on good terms, it doesn't feel much like returning to somewhere warm and safe.

"We have others staying with us, as well." Esme continues as we get to the landing, smiling at Caroline as Stefan helps her up the last step, "They're all out hunting right now, I presume."

"That's quite alright, anywhere you have, is fine." I tell her, glancing about the hallway subconsciously.

"There's two free rooms, I think." Esme says, gesturing to the bedrooms at the end of the hall.

"Thank you." Caroline replied chirpily, grinning at the older vampire happily as she clings to Stefan's arm.

"I'll leave you to settle in, then, shall I?" Esme smiles once more, before starting on her way down the staircase again.

I glance between the two rooms quizzically, "Girls in one, boys in the other?"

As much as I want to sleep with Damon, I feel like Bonnie wouldn't appreciate sleeping on the couch very much.

"Yes!" Caroline grins wider, "Finally, girl time!"

She waddles on her way into one of the available bedrooms. Stefan rolls his eyes at her, lifting the bag in his hands as an explanation before he follows her into the bedroom.

I turn to Damon with a raised eyebrow.

"I hope you don't think I'm doing hat for you," Damon says cheekily, winking at me, "Have fun carrying your bags girls."

He drops the duffel bags he'd previously had in his hands at our feet, whistling as he struts into the other bedroom.

Bonnie rolls her eyes, bending down to pick up her bag, "Have I ever told you that your boyfriend's an asshole?"

I scoff, "As if you need to tell me."


It's quiet. Too quiet. I understand vampires are silent folk and all, but the only sound I can hear is Bonnie's snoring and it's not exactly a comforting sound.

The other girl is passed out on the bed beside me, her hair spread about her pillow messily. Every now and then she fidgets, but she doesn't move much.

Caroline, however, will not stop fucking moving. She's asleep beside me with her silent intakes of breath and her baby bump, and she won't stay still. Every five seconds she moves into a new position as if trying to get comfortable subconsciously.

It's extremely uncomfortable for the middle man (well, woman, considering said middle 'man' is me), who's either being elbowed in the side of having snores in their ear.

It's at this point, that I wish I hadn't cared so much for Bonnie's level of comfortability. Sleeping with Damon is so much easier than sleeping with these two morons. Now I remember why I refused to participate in sleepovers.


"Get up! Get up!"

Caroline continues to yell for me to get out of bed while I pull the cover over my head. Argh, I've always hated early mornings.

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