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Dear Eleanor,
It's only been a few months since you were here, but we miss you terribly. You should come and visit soon, I know Renesmae would like to meet you.
Everything's going well in Forks, I think you'd like it here now.
Please reply, I haven't heard from you since... well...
I hope you're well,
Love, Bella

"Another letter?"

I lift my head, refolding the paper in my hands and flicking it onto the couch beside me. Damon is leant against the doorframe, his arms folded across his chest. He's recently showered, his hair wet, the droplets falling onto his grey shirt.

Bonnie casts him a discarded look, before turning her attention back to her spell book. She's been sat in the arm chair opposite me for about an hour now.

I nod, running a hand through my hair, "The tenth one this month."

"If you replied then she'd stop sending them." Damon reasons.

I glance toward the letter, and then back up at him. He's right, of course. He usually is about these things — and I'm aware those words are very rarely spoken in relation to Damon Salvatore. If I replied to Bella's letters, she wouldn't keep trying to connect. Even a simple 'stop sending me letters' would be enough.

To be honest, I don't know why I haven't replied to her letters, or why I haven't gotten in touch. It's not like our last convocation was relationship-ending, just the usual bickering between siblings: especially twins. But... I just... I don't know what to say. She turned into a vampire the last time I saw her, what am I supposed to say to that? I'm no good at those talks. It's just awkward, and I hate the awkwardness. Awkwardness is my nemesis. I don't know what to say to her, so I just say nothing at all.

I would, however, like to see Renesmae. I haven't seen her in ages, and I was the one looking after her when Bella was asleep. She's such a beautiful baby, so captivating, and I miss her a lot.

"We could visit, if you want." Damon says suggestively, raising an eyebrow at me.

I shake my head, pushing up from the couch, "Leave it alone, Damon."

"Running from the problem won't make it go away—"

"I said leave it alone Damon!" I snap, before turning my head to look at Bonnie, "Lets go pay that witch a visit, Bon."

Bonnie shrugs, sends Damon a look that I can't decipher, and follows me from the room.

"It's not going away, no matter how much you ignore it!" Damon shouts.

I growl, "It doesn't hurt to try!" I slam the door behind me when I step over the threshold.

I'm not in the mood to discuss my relationship with my sister with Damon today.


Bonnie knocks on the door again, for the sixth time since we arrived at the old, abandoned farm house ten minutes ago. My car is parked on the grass across from the porch (considering this witch doesn't understand the term 'driveway'). She gets no response, though, just like the other five times. The whole house is a creaking, paint-peeling away, mess. It's not maintained, and really does look like nobody lives here.

"Are we sure this is the place?" I ask, glancing around the overgrown yard.

Bonnie nods, biting her lip, "I'm positive. This is where the locater spell said her dwelling place was."

"Are we sure she isn't dead, then?" I retort, earning myself a dry look from my curly haired friend.

I raise my hands up in defence, grinning at her. She goes to peer in the windows, trying to scrub away the grime with her jacket. Oh, honey, you'd need a fire hose to clean all that dirt. How can anyone live in a place like this?

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