chapter 6

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I'm showing more now and I hate it,I'm going to be fat for the next nine bloody months.Noah still hasnt come around and its got to the point were I got dont care.The baby is better of not knowing him.I got a lot of stuff in so I'm doing good.You know when your pregnant you get this amazing feeling and its amazing how a baby can grow inside you.

  When I was dressed and ready I went to meet up with Lake.If I was being honest I was a bit nervous because I didnt know how he would take the news of me being pregnant.But when I thought of seeing him I got butterflys.

"I'm so so osrry for running away,I just didnt know what to say or even do".He said as soon as I was close enough to hear him.

"Are you mad!.I'm sorry for being such a bitch to you,I really never meant to hurt you".I gave him a nice tight hug.

"Listen I had some time to think and I really like you in that way too and if you gave me a second chance I would love to show you how much I love you".He took hold of me ,before I could even blink we were kissing.It was nothing like kissing Noah,Lake was gentel like if he held me to hard I would brake and it was so good.It made me want more then him just kissing me but I cant think that way anymore.

I pulled away and he just looked down at his shoes."Lake look I cant do this,dont worry I wont say 'its not you its me'  its just ... I have no idea how to say this".I threw my hands up in frustration.

"Just say it Sky,I bet it cant hurt any more then the thought of losing you".The hurt was so clear in voice and it made me feel like a bitch.

"I'm so,so sorry Lake,but I slept with Noah and now I'm pregnant".My voice quivered a bit.I took a deep brath and went on."But he doesnt want anything to do with the baby or me".My face was wet with salty tears that I didnt know fell,He pulled me in and hugged me.

"Its ok,stop crying".He soothed strocking my hair.It made me feel a bit better.

"I dont know what to do.I'm keeping the baby for sure but I just wish Noah would man up and help me and be there for the baby".I sobbed into his chest.

"If you let me,I want to help.I know the babys not mine but I'm going to treat it like it were but only if you let me".He pushed me back gently and looked me in the eye.

"Wait you mean that? Lake I could never ask you to do that".I was shocked,could I let him do this? I mean thats asking a lot.

"You never asked me,I asked you and yes I really mean it.I'll tell Emma how I feel and hope she understands.Please".His eyes pleaded for me to agree.

"Only if your sure,I mean I dont want to be a burdon".I said very fast,but as soon as I said it He picked me up and spun me around,I threw my head back and laughed.

"You wont regret this I promise".He put me down.I felt a bit dizzy but it soon faded.I smiled at Lake.Who knew he would do this for me?

"I hope not.Lets have some fun before I'm too fat with swollen ankles".I took him by the hand and started to walk towards the park.I loved the park it was where I fisrt met Lake.I fisrt saw him when I was 8 and he was 11,I saw him playing in the sandbox all by himself so I went over and asked could I help with whatever he was doing.He said yes so we made castle's and other things.But some older boys came over and started to slag me but Lake stood up for me and made them go away.He was my knight in shining armor.We hung out a lot after that and here we are now.Its amazing that it lasted 7 years.My mam kept telling me it would never last but she was proven wrong,she loved Lake he was her son but my dad on the other hand didnt like me hanging out with some one older then me.But I never listened to him.

When we made it to the park,I ran straight to the swings.Lake chuckled while he followed me over,I sat down and he started to push me.I laughed and screamed,I was having so much fun.I felt like a child again,when my baby is born I'm going to bring him/her to the park everyday when its old enough.I just couldnt wait.

  My fun soon ended when I saw Noah and all his mates,well the ones he had left that is.Lake saw them too and stopped pushing me.I got off the swing.

"Stay here,I'll be right back dont move".He started to walk towards Noah.I was not waiting here,I followed him over and when Noah saw us he smiled.

"Ah so the whore is back".He said with a wicked grin.It stung but I didnt let it show.

"Dont fucking call her that,you little piece of shit".Lake roared.

"Ooooh pretty boy is angry,what do you want anyway".Noah pretended to be bored.

"Well you see you got my best friend pregnant and then left her,What the fuck is wrong with you".Lake looked big and scary.

"Whats it to you anyway".Noah asked moving closer.He looked like he was about to kill Lake.

"I'm the one thats going to be fucking there for her and the baby,while you go off get drunk and screw more girls".Lake shouted back.Lake was well able for Noah.But Noah looked shocked to hear that lake will be there.

"Wait this arsetard is going to raise my child".Noah asked looking at me.I looked at Lake then back at Noah.

"Yeah he is.I mean you said you didnt want anything to do with us so why should you have a choice on who helps me bring the baby up?".They looked at me.

"So this is it,I cant see it when its born.No? Fine just dont come running back to me.From now on your nothing but a slut to me".Noah spat at me.That was a bad idea because just then Lake punched him in the jaw.But before he could do it again Noah went for him,I had no idea what to do so I got in the way.Naoh wasnt looking so he hit me and knocked me to the ground.And boy was it painful.Lake stopped fighting and came over to me.

"Sky are you ok?".He asked helping me up.He then turned around to face Noah."If anything goes wrong because of what you did its all your fault and you will have to life with that for the rest of your life".

"Lake I just want to go home.Oh and Noah I never want to see you again.Not even if your dead.I wish I never met you".I walked away with Lake foloowing me.I felt beaten and upset and this time it wasnt my fault.How could some one so nice turn out to be a right cunt?I guess we will never know and I might not want to either.I'm just so glad I have lake in my life,I need him more now then I ever have in my life.I love him.

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