chapter 3

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Its been two weeks since Noah and I got together,he asked me out three days after we were at the cabin.Emma was pissed off about it and told Lake.He wont talk to me now but if I'm honest it doesnt hurt like it should but that doesn't mean it I don't miss his Hello's and hugs.

So fair we have been to the movies,that was a great night but I saw Lake and his little sister Mia.I thought it was weird that he was there because there was a theatre around the corner from his house but I pushed the thought to the back of my head and a part from that I had fun.

My parents sort of like Noah,its really hard to tell but they haven't said anything yet so I'm good for the moment.Evan Emma wont talk to me now but she still tries to ruin my life.

Today I had school and I knew what was waiting for me when I walked in through the double doors.Every girl in the school gave me death glares,I just raised my head and walked by.I have gotten glares since Emma went of and told every one I was with Noah.I swear if looks could kill I would be dead six times over.Noah doesn't get glares but when he is with me his friends walk away and wont talk to him unless I'm gone.Its not fair ro either of us.

When I got to my locker I nearly screamed,my locker had WHORE spray-painted in red on the door.A few girls giggled,I just opened the door and got my books out for my classes.I slammed the door shut and walked away looking for Noah.

I found him by his car talking to some friends so I left them to it,but I didnt get far because a few girls stood in my way.I tried to walk around them but I couldnt they just kept getting in the way.My temper was boiling and I was on the edge of flipping.

"Where do you think your going?".Tracy asked grinning at me.

"Somewhere youtr not.Please just get out of my way,I dont bloody need this".I could tell I was about to cry but prayed they didnt.

"What are you getting cheeky for!".She pushed me back and my beg fell off my shoulder and I just wanted the ground to open up and eat me.

"Dont touch me!".I hissed at her.This time she slapped me across the face,it stung like hell and I knew there would be a mark.Before she could d anything else I back handed her and made sure it was hard.She stepped back and screamed.I could tell people were looking at us but I so didnt care.She then went for my hair so I punched her in the stomach but someone grabbed me from behind.I screamed and lased out,who ever it was let me go and I spun around and nearly died.It was Lake.

"What are you doing?Have you lost your mind".He snapped at me.He could of just hit me because thats what it felt like.I ran off even though some one was calling me back.I needed to get away.

I ran home and cried myself to sleep.I woke up hours later to find Noah sitting on my bed,when he saw me he smiled and gave my hand a tight swueeze.My eyes were sore and I knew for a fact they were red.I sat up snf smiled at him.He pulled my closer and gave me a tight hug.

"Why did you run off?".He asked strocking my hair.The heat of his body was doing something to me and I could hardly think right.

"I couldnt take it,I needed to get away so I ran".I mumbled into his shirt,he put his hands on my shoulder and pulled me away to look in my eyes.I got lost in his mud brown eyes.

"If you ever need help or to get away just call and we can go.Even if its two in the morning".He said strocking my cheek.

"Ok.Its just when I'm around your friends leave and its just you and me,not that its a bad thing because its not its just your mates wont stick arounf when I'm there".I wasnt looking at him,I felt a bit stupid.

"Are you mad! I dont care if they wont talk to me,all I care about is you babe and only you".He kissed my nose and then my lips.I could feel his tongue in my mouth.He pulled away fisrt and I sighed.When I kiss him I'm taken some where else and forget my problems but then when its all over I'm taken right back again.

"You mean that?".I asked like a child being told pixies were real.

"I realyy do.And hey smile".He pinched my cheeks like I was 2 years old but I smiled anyway.It reminded me of the way my nanny did it.

"So what would you like to do today?".I asked straddling his lap,I put my hands around his neck.He put his arms around my waist and put his face in the side of my neck.

"Lets just have some fun maybe watch a film".Not what I wanted to hear but it was good enough.He turned on the film I loved.Tom Tucker must die.I lay my head on his chest and he put his arms around me.His whole body was warm and welcoming.

When he left that night I felt really lonely with out him here,But I have to get over it.I got off my bed and went down to the kitchen and made myself some tea and something to eat.

  I was about to go back to bed but Emma stood in my way.What was everyones problem to day? like really.

"So you still with Noah?".She asked crossing her arms over her chest.I really wanted to bitch slap her but I held my self back for now.

"Yeah I am,Whats it to you? Its my life".I snapped and walked around her but she grabbed my armand I stopped.

"Be careful Okay,dont do somethign you will regret and do not let him hurt you".She gave my arm a light squeeze and a little smile.She let my arm go and I went to my room.Was it just me or was she nice?

I went onto facebook and I had 130 new messages from girls in my school, calling me a slut,whore and every other name under the rainbow.One message went like this.

"OMFG! I cant believe Noah would date some one like you!.I mean I have the body and well everything else you dont and I'm prettier than you! I have to say he needs glasses to be going out with you because only a blind man could love you.... bye".

I felt like breaking everything in my room up,this is all because of Emma and then she tried to me fucking nice!,I logged off and got into bed trying to forget the message but its easier said then done.It took me ages to fall asleep and when I did I had nightmares of Noah leaving me.


sorry but i wrote mud brown eyes somewhere and it was meant to be light blue eyes ha cant find it now so im just going to leave it xxxx hope you liked it x

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