Chapter 1

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"Lake I fucking hate her.She's taking over my life.She made me talk to her about sex".I said and rolled my eyes.

"I think Emma is Ok.I mean look at her . . . I mean I hate her too".He looked away from me.Emma was my step sister.My dad had a fling and the girl got pregnant and died a month ago because of that Emma has to stay with us.She has long Blonde hair and dark blue eyes.She's tall,pretty and skinny.She's 17 and doesn't act it.She thinks she's like 20.I feel like killing the bitch with my bare hands.

  Just then Emma walks out.When Lake saw her he sat up and moved a bit away from me.I've known Lake for 7 years.Lake has cat green eyes and black hair as dark as the night.

  We dont keep secerts but I am keeping a big one away from him.Well its not that big.I guess I'm going to have to tell you.You see for the past 2 years I started to feel something for Lake.More then friend feelings.I haven't told him because I'm scared he doesn't feel the same about me.I would rather just be his friend then lose him forever.

   Emma came over and sat beside Lake.The lookin his eyes told me he liked her.That pissed me off.She shows up and already has him around her finger.

"Lake why do you hang out with 15 year olds?".Emma asked strocking his arm.I felt like getting sickall over them.

"I've known her for 7 years.Whats so bad about hanging out with a 15 year old?".Before she could even answer I got up and walked in the house.No one was home.Like always.I went up to my room and jumped on my bed.I lay there for a while just thinking about Lake.I know I should tell him but I cant.I mean what if I scare him off.Then what will I do?

  That night Emma came into my room and sat on my bed.It took her a while to talk.But when she did I wished she hadnt.

"Do you like Lake.Like more than a friend?".

"W-what no we're just friends.Why do you ask?".Was it easy to tell I liked him.Wait that cant be because if it was he would know by now.

"Good because I'm going to ask him out".She had a huge grin on her face.I cant believe it.I should of just told him how I feel and this wouldnt be happening.I hate my life.Beofre I could say anything she left.Just like that.I'm so glad we dont share the same room ot else she would be in the ground.

School the next day was a pain.Everyone in the school love's Emma.Its so bloody annoying.Even the teachers like her.Not that I mind.I just wish she wasnt so perfect.Shes also in most of my classes.

   I heard the bell ring.I ran to my locker and got my books out for English.I then ran to class.I was lare.I walked into class and everyone looked at me.

"Your late Ms.Carter".Ms.Divine said shacking her head.


"Just take a seat".She went back to whatever sje was saying to the class.I looked around the room and the only seat I could find was beside Noah.I took a deep breath and went to sit beside him.Noah was tall and tanned.He had mud brown eyes and sandy blonde hair.He was also the captin of the football team.He had a great body but I would never date him because he was the biggest player in the whole school.

"Stop looking at me".He said firmly.I jumped a little.He never talked to me before.

"Sorry wont happen again".I looked away from him.

The rest of the class was boring.When the bell finally rang I got my stuff together and got out of there as fast as my legs could carrie me.I just wish the day would hurry up and be over so I can see Lake.

  I bumped into someone.Emma.Just the person I wanted to see . . . Not.She looked me up and down.I just rolled my eyes.

"Do you mind like".She snapped at me.What was her problem.

"No I dont.Emma please just move out of my way".When she didnt move I just pushed past her.I went to my locker.I got my books out and went for lunch.

   I walked into the lunch room.I saw Noah and he saw me.I went over and sat down.He looked at me as if I was mad.Maybe I was but I had no where else to sit.

"Why are you sitting at this talbe for?".He asked.The rest of the team came and sat down.They all just looked at me.

"I had no where else to sit,so get over it".Just then Emma walked in with a grin on her face.I wanted to slap it off her face.Noah didnt seem to like her either.I wonder why?He just went back to eating his lunch.I did the same.Emma walked over to the table I was at.She stood beside my chair.

"Sky get up thats my seat".

"Really? Because I dont see your name on it".I said looking up at her.

"Just move".She snapped at me.Really what the fuck is wrong with her today.

"I have to share a house with you so go find some where else to bloody sit".I snapped back.I saw Noah grin at my out burst.Emma cursed and stomped off.I wanted to laugh but I didnt.I smiled and so did he.I was so going to get it when I went home but I dont care.I was here fisrt.That makes me sound like a baby.Ah well.

  I was sitting in my bedroom doing my homework.Lake was hanging out with Emma.I know I know he blew me off.This was the first time he ever did some thing like this to me.We did everything together.Well not everything.You know what I mean.Its so unfair.

  So thats why I'm doing homework.My mam and dad was out,So I was all alone.The house was so quite.I finished my math's homework and went to have a shower.I needed one badly.

  The water was warm when it hit my flesh.I thought about what Lake and I were going to do tomorrow.It has to be fun.Well even though everything we did was fun but still.Well apart from this one time when we went to the beach and he threw me into the water.I was sick with the flue for a week after that.He bought me a teddy to say sorry.I still sleep with it.

  I got out of the shower and wrapped my white towel around my body.It had 'Dont fuck with me' in black bold writing.I heard someone at the door.I needed to get dressed but I went to answer it.It was Noah and he was holding a pink hard back book.He looked me up and down.

"Nice towel".He smirked.I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"What do you want?".I asked waiting for him to get to the point.

"I found this".He handed me the pink book.I took it and opened it up and my name was writing nicely on it.

"Thanks but you couls of gave it back in school.I didnt need it".I said and shook my head.

"I guess.But I'm glad I did because I would of never seen you in that towel".He laughed.I looked at him and he stopped.

"Shut up.If that was it then you can leave".

"I shall see you in school then".He waved and left.I stood there looking after him until he was fully gone.I went back into the house.That child was weird.I went back to my room and got dressed.

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