chapter 5

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Its been about a month since I slept with Noah and the last time we spoke to each other,I was right he only wanted on thing from me and now that he got it he wants nothing to do with me.Emma doesnt really talk to me anymore wither and Lake hasnt been around since our fight. and its all down to me and I cant change it.

"Sky wheres Noah?I havent seen around lately are you two ok?".My mam asked while I was getting ready for school one day.I saw Emma smile but I let it slip.

"Oh,erm we're not dating anymore,it wasnt working".I lied grabbing my bag and was about to leave when Emma ratted me out.

"Lier! You had sex with him and soon after he left,thats what she told me".I spun around and there she was smiling like she won something.

"You did what! Your not even 16 yet.I hope to god you used protection".She was going red in the face.Jeez some one needs to calm down.

"No we never used a condom whats the big deal?".Jeez parents always worring about the small things.

"You stupid,stupid girl.Emma run to the shop and get me a pregnancy test and be fast about it too".Emma stood there but then ran to the shop.It was just my mam and me.

"I'm not pregnant mam so why waste your money?".I laughed but it wasnt working the tension in the room was too much,you could cut it with a knife.

   When Emma got back they made me piss on a stick.I found it very funny but I tried not to laugh out load or else they would kill me.When I was done peeing on the stick I walked back to the sitting room and handed it over to my mam.I sat down and waited until the thing beeped.

"Sky you are so stupid you know that".Emma said shacking her head at me.Judging bitch.

"Shut up Emma".The test finally beeped and my mam looked at it.I couldnt read her face so I had to wait until she looked up at me.When she did she was all pale like she saw a ghost or something.

"Your . . . your pragnant.I cant believe you would do this to me.Go to school both of you!".She mumbled and pointed to the door.Emma and I left.I was shocked,I mean I didnt know you could get pregnant on you fisrt time I guess I was wrong.SHIT.

When I got to school I was late.I walked into my class but I wasnt really thinking about what I was doing or where I was going but I end up at the right door.I opened it and everybody looked at me,I bet they all knew abd were laughing at me on the inside.I closed the door and went to my seat,I didnt listen to the teacher because I couldnt give a fuck about the weather,I have other things to worry about.A few people looked at me but I just looked past them into space and I just couldnt be bothered.

Before I knew it,it was lunch and I knew what I had to do.I found Noah by his car with all his mates,Sure enough he had his arm draped around another girl and they were laughing.I pulled my selves down over my hands and made my way over to him.When he saw me he stood up straighter  and everyone looked at me.I felt really small and I really wanted to run away and cry but I had to do this.When I was close enough some one stood in my way.I took a deep breath my temper was going to get me now where fast.

"Sorry but he doesnt want to see you,so go away".Zac said crossing his arms and he looked down at me.

"Well I need to see him and it cant wait".I said trying my best to keep it together.

"Zac its ok move"Noah said and soon after he did Zac moved and Noah went on."What do you want Sky?".He sounded so bored and I felt hurt.

"In private please".

"No tell me here,Whatever you have to sayyou can say infrint of these guys".He crossed his arms over his chest.Why are people always doing that to me.

"Fine if you say so.Noah I'm pregnant and the babys yours".They all just looked at us.I think I should of made him talk in private but too late now.

"Shit!".He hissed,he looked at me and I was a bit scared.I stood there I had no idea what I was meant to do.Naoh rubbed his face with his hands.

"Dude calm down.Its ok let her deal with it ,your life doesnt have to be ruined just hers,easy".Zac said and every one cheered.

"You know what Zac,your right,Sky deal with it yourself I'm not ready to be a dad yet".He started to walk away from me.How dare he.

"Your 18 tomorrow and I'm only 15! I'm not ready to be a mam but I still have to do it,so dont give me that crap!".I shouted at him.How could he walk away this is his child too.The heartless cunt.

"Wait you only 15?".Zac asked and I nodded."Noah you said she was 16,thats just down right bad.I take back what I said".He walked away shacking his head and so did a few other people.Noah obviously wasnt going to give in so I left.What was the point in any of this.

When I got home that night my mam wouldnt look at me,my dad knew and he didnt seem to mind which was hard to believe because he hated everything I did good or bad.Emma was trying to help me with everything even though I didnt need it.I said nothing it was nice of her to help even though I wanted my mam to do it.

  We sat down for a family meeting.I crossed my arms on the table waiting for some one to say some thing,anything.Ten long minutes past when my mom finally spoke.

"Have you told the father yet?".She didnt look at me and it hurt more then Noah leaving me.

"Yes Noah knows but he doesnt want anything to do with us".I looked down at my hands.I had to fight back the tears that wanted to fall.This was just so hard to deal with.

"Right.Are you going to keep the baby?".She finally looked at me,she looked sad and tired.Her eyes didnt look the same either.I felt bad for putting her through this but its not all my fault.

"I'm keeping the baby and I'm going to give him/her the best life I can even if I lose everything on the way".I looked back up at her and I knew I said something right because some colour came back into her face and eyes.Emma squeezed my hand and gave me a smile.

"Then you are going to have ti start getting some things in and change your room around because a cot with have to go into there and some storage boxes for the babys clothes".She smiled at me and I was so glad she was talking to me and not talking down to me.I needed her big time."

"Emma I dont want you to get pregnant any time soon or I will have to kill you.And Sky I'm proud of you".Our dad said getting up to give us hugs.I love my dads hugs because they are warm and welcoming.

"Dont worry dad I wont until I'm 100% ready".Emma said giving me a sly smile and we both laughed.This is what a good life is made of.A nice family and best freinds even if you dont see eye to eye but thats what makes it stronger.I'm going to see Lake and apologise for being such a bitch to him.Maybe we can still be friends.I hope he says yes because I miss him a lot and I need him back.

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