chapter 2

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  Today Lake came over very early.I wans't even dressed.He sat on my bed while I looked for something to wear.I found it very hard.I just couldnt pick anything.I finally just picked out skinny jeans and a tight red tank top.I then put on my red high tops.

"I have something to tell you".Lake said when I sat down to do my hair and make up.

"What is it?".I asked brushing my hair.

"Me and Emma are dating".When he said that my heart dropped.I cant believe it.How could he do that to me?I looked at him.He seemed happy enough to me.I how could I tell him not to date her and sound like a good friend at the same time?Instead I smiled at him.

"Thats good.I hope it all works out for you".It took everything in me to say that.Now what the hell was I going to do about my feelings for him? Life is so unfair.

"Thanks Sky that really means alot.I'm also sorry to say that we need to do a rain cheek.Emma wants me to hang out with her today".He stood up about to leave.I threw down my make up brush.

"Fine just go.Thanks for dropping by see you later".I said sarcastically snapping at him.He gave me a worried look but left anyway.When he was gone I dropped onto mybed face first.How and where did that come from.He may never talk to me again.What did I get my self into this time?

    I finished getting ready.Lake may have pushed me to the side but that doesnt mean I am going to stop living my life now he's gone.I knew this day would come.I was going to hang out with Noah.I know how it may look.But I am NOT using him because Lake dithed me.Maybe a little but I wont to get to know him.If Lake was going to do this everyday then I need some one else to hang out with.Noah seems like the right person.

  I stuffed the things I needed into a bag and left the house.Noah was waiting for me at the end of my garden.He looked good in his tee-shirt,jeans and vans.His hair was spiked.

  When he saw me,he smiled and waved,I waved back and made my way down to him.I just hope today was going to be good because I so wanted to forget about Lake.Even if it kills me,maybe thats going over the top but something like that anyway.

"Sky you look great,So what would you like to do today".He asked while we both got into his car.He had a blue mini cooper with white strips on the hood.

"Thanks,dont look so bad yourself and I dont mind somehting fun and cool".I said smiling at him.He started to drive the car and I turned on the music.I had no idea where we were going or what we were going to do.

  Finally we made it and it looked like an old cabin house.The cabin was dark brown and kida small but not top small,it had a small front garden with flowers in it and was surrounded by tress's.It looked amazing but must cost a lot to keep it in shape.I would love to live in a place like this but I dont have the money.

"You like it? My parents bought it when I was six and since then we spend every summer here.I used to love it here when I was small but now its just like my second home".He said while we walked into a big room that must be used for a sitting room.It had a nice flat screen telly on the wall about the fire place,the couch was in front of it against the other wall and infront of the couch was a small whit coffee table.

"I love it because its old and has a lot of history and it is also apart of of people's life.You like kinda grew up here".I said looking around.This place was out-standing,better then any other cabin I have seen and trust me I have seen a good few but nothing like this.

"I've never thought about it that way before but yeah it is apart of me.You know you have a great way of seeing things,I like that about you".He smiled and I blushed like a little school girl.

"Thanks I guess but some times its not always a good thing because I always see the best in people and it comes back to bite me".I said while I sat down on the black couch,Noah also did the same.

"Oh I see thats a down side I guess.So when you're around me what do you see or feel?".He asked looking me in the eye.

"Well . . . When I'm with you I'm happy and you become this different person then you are in school,you seem more relaxed then you are around your friends but then there is this other part of you that is just a mystery".I was looking into the distance and was brought back when he didnt say anything.He looked thoughtful so I let him think.

"I wounder if everyone sees me like that,thanks for telling me the truth Sky".When he said that I could hear hurt laced in with his worda and I felt really bad.

"Noah I didnt mean it like that,its just how I see you not everyone could see you that way".I wanted to bang my head on the wall,I was so stupid.

"Its ok Sky I understand calm down".He laughed holding up his hands.I still felt bad but I couldnt take back my words,no matter how much I wanted to.

"You may understand but I still wish I could take them ba-".He cut me off mid sentence by touching his lips against mine slowly and softly.I kissed him back harder and with some passion.When he coped onto what I was doing he knotted his fingers into my hair.I tasted his tongue in my mouth,it tasted like vanilla.He started to put his hand up my top but I pulled away and took his hands away,I could tell my cheeks were red but I didnt care.

"What? Did I do something wrong>",He asked a bit confused.

"Y-yeah,look I'm not ready yet.Can we take it slow?".I asked biting my lip.

"Sure we can,babe".He smiled.

We had dinner and watched films and after that he drove me homw.I didnt want it to end but I knew it had to sometime.

  When we got to my house he kissed me goodbye.I almost skipped up my drive but didnt because Noah was watching me,when I got to my door I turned around a waved and went into my house.

  I ran up to my room and closed the door behind me but Emma cam running in after me.

"Who was that in the car?".She asked crossing her arms over her chest.

"A friend why?".

"Because it looked like Noah's car.Wait it was wasnt it.What are you doing hanging out with him anyway?".

"It had nothing to do with you so get out".I snapped.Shit.

"Oh I will find out dont you worrie".She gave me an evil grin and left the room.I didnt know what she would do and to be honest I didnt really care.

  I got into bed and lay there fore awhile just thinking about today,I couldnt help but smile and get butterflies.I touched my lips I could still feel him kissing me.

  Soon I feel asleep thinking about Noah,I couldnt wait ti see him again.

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