Chapter 24

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Today was Arial's birthday. She had called me over at her place. I was confused. What do I wear? Finally I just decided to wear my shirt and jacket.

"Oh, hey," Sally said. I said a high and got in.

I saw a cake on the dinning table. John and Jackson were sitting there. I went and joined them. After five minutes Arial came down.

She looked beautiful. She was wearing a knee length blue dress. Her hair was down. Our eyes met and she smiled at me.

We sang for her as she cut the cake. She was happy today. I gave her the gift I had bought. I had no idea what to give. Finally I had decided to give her a scented candle. Nothing expensive. I knew she didn't like expensive things.

Scented candle? It would resemble the light she bought in my life. She was my candle. Looking at her face I knew that she had lived the gift.

It was late already. Everyone had gone. John had gone to get the gift he had bought for Arial. It was something made by him. He didn't want her to see it before hand. So he kept it at his friends place.

"Thanks Nic. I love the candle," Arial said.

"Anything for the birthday girl."

"Nic.....," she said.

"What's wrong Arial?" She was swinging a bit.

"I don't...feel well."

"Lets sit." I took to the bench in her front yard.

"My head is spinning," she said. I felt her body temperature increase. It was extremely high.

"Arial." I tried to shake her. No response. That's when I saw the lady come before me.

"Move," she yelled at me. I didn't leave her. Obviously not.

"What's wrong with her?" I asked.

"I knew this day would come," she said with a sad look.

"What the hell are you talking about?" This lady was confusing me to no limit.

"Don't you know? A vampire's daughter will be a vampire only." What? No way. My Arial can't become a vampire.

"We need to take her away from humans. I cannot do it. She'll never let me. You have to do this. Take her deep into the forest and teach her to control herself."

"She's not going to turn," I said.

"She is. Haven't you realised how her blood smells different from the others. She is warmer than any human. Take her before it too late," she said. Is it true?

"What about...John?"

"I'll tell him something," she said.

Half heartedly I lifted Arial in my arms. I was going to take her to my spot. In the forest. By the stream.

Arial was out for five hours now. This entire time I was thinking. Thinking about how our future would mould.

She might become a vampire too. Maybe...we could stick together. Only if she has feelings for me though.

She looked so peaceful and beautiful. The sunlight made her skin look smooth and flawless. Her skin had become a bit pale. She was indeed a beauty. Inside out. And I admire her. I love her. I love Her Scent. I love each and everything about her.

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