Chapter 12

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"Hey Nick! Where were you?" Chris asked.

"Practicing for the dance."

"You obviously don't need it."

"Well, Arial does," I said with a smile.

"What's with that smile? Haven't seen you smile like that forever."

"Nothing...just remembered something."

"About her." Chris said it like he was sure of it. I mean he was right. He had a serious expression on his face.

"What do you think of her?"


"I mean...what do you like about her?"

"Well..." this was a difficult one. There were so many things. "She's cute. Innocent. A great artist. Pathetic dancer. Beautiful. Kind. Loving.....and maybe even more." The words kept on flowing from my mouth like I had no control over them.

"I knew it," Chris said.

"What? What did you know?"

"Keep your distance from her."

"What's wrong Chris?"

"Nick, just don't ask me that. Just maintain your distance from her for your own good," saying that Chris went into his room and locked the door.

What did he mean? She couldn't possibly mean danger to me, could she? I'll talk to Casey about this, maybe.

The entire time I thought about what Chris had said. It made no sense to me. At the supermarket, there was crowd but I was lost in my thoughts. Mr Cooke yelled at me three- four times or more like ten times.

Finally my shift was over. I decided to go to Arial's house. I was near her door, when I heard the song playing. I saw through the window. I could see Arial dancing. She kept on trying the same step till she was perfect at it. I watched for the entire hour.

It was five already. I saw her looking at the clock. Then she turned off the music and went inside.

I went and knocked on the door. Arial opened it in a while. She had washed her face and tied her hair in a pony. It looked better down. Well, I was no one to tell her that.

"Come on in. Would you like to have something?"

"No. Thanks."

"Then lets get started," she said. She was excited for something. I didn't know what but intended to find it soon.

We danced to the song. Arial danced with a few falls.

"Well, looks like you practiced," I said once we were done.

"Maybe for ten minutes or so." Ya...more like an hour I wanted to add. This is why she was excited. She wanted me to see her improvement. I smiled.

"What?" She asked totally confused.

"Nothing," I said.

"You use that word a lot," she said.

"Maybe its my favourite word."

"Not mine for sure," she replied. Her phone rang and she went to receive it.

"What?" She said.

"No way. Its like just five days."

"Okay. I'll tell him."

She came back looking extremely upset.

"Bad news," she stated.

"What is it?"

"The competition is in like five days. What are we going to do? Sally won't be back by then."

"We can choreograph it then."

"I'm a pathetic dancer and you know it. If you can then go ahead."

"Okay. I'll set it and come by tomorrow."

"Good with me." I took a copy of the song and went home.

I locked my room and played the song. I had thought of some steps on the way. I just had to place them in an order. They were easy and Arial would be able to catch up easily.

Arial...when Chris asked me what I thought of mind was full. I didn't know how to express her. She is a great girl. A hardworking girl.

I yet didn't know what Chris meant when he said I should stay away from her. I had not got a chance to speak to Casey as she was at work. Maybe I'll talk to her today.

"I'm home," I heard Casey say. This was my time. Chris was out and I could talk to her freely. I went down and saw her lying on the sofa.

"Hey Cas."


"Can I talk to you?"

"What's it?" She sat upright and looked at me.

"Well...Chris told me to stay away from Arial. I asked him the reason but he refused to tell me."

"Ugh...Chris. What happened before that?"

"Well he asked me what I thought of Arial."

"And you said?"

"I told him what I liked about her."

"Let me guess....kind, friendly, wouldn't say that..."

Cas continued mumbling but I didn't pay attention. I was busy recalling what I had said about her. Did I say beautiful? I think I did. That why Chris told me to stay away. He thinks I like her. He's wrong. I don't. I can't. I'm a vampire and she's a human.
I'm tough and she's fragile.

It ain't possible.

"Thanks Cas." I kissed her cheek and went to my room.

"Wait! But...I.." I heard Cas say after me. She had unknowingly revealed it. She was right. I never I mean NEVER called anyone beautiful after I became a vampire. But Arial wasn't anyone. She was different. She sure was.

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