Chapter 16

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Hey guys thank you so much for reading,  and commenting. It's because of you all that Her Scent has reached #24 in vampire. Here's a new chapter dedicated to you all :-) continue voting and commenting and reading of course ;-)

It was already one. Everyone might be asleep by now. I waited for another hour and then headed to the hospital.

I climbed over the compound wall. I heard their constant breathing. I entered the hospital with my vampire speed. I went to John's room.

He was sound asleep. My eyes fell on the saline bottle. I saw a syringe on the bedside table. I picked it up. I drew my blood out with it. Then I entered it in the saline.

You want to know why. blood has healing capacity. There is this special enzyme which can cure any disease, injury, etc. That's why we are immortal. Kind of.

I finished what I had to do, and headed back home.

John was like my own granddad. I couldn't lose him as well. I also didn't want Arial to lose the only family she had. I don't know why but I felt bad when she cried. I couldn't wait to see the smile on her face.


I decided to go to the hospital. I would take a leave from the super market. I entered John's room. Arial wasn't there. I was expecting to see her gleaming face. John was sleeping so I went out.

I turned into a corridor and saw the face I was waiting so desperately for. She came and hugged me.

"He's out of danger. Thank you. So much." What? Thank you? Why? Had she seen me last night? No way. It isn't possible.

"Why thank you?"I asked when she pulled back.

She didn't reply. Instead, she took my hand and led me to John's room. Being with her made me forget I was a vampire.

John was awake. He had a smile on his face. He looked healthier. Looks like my blood did its work...

"I'm so happy grandpa," Arial said and went to give him a hug. This girl sure hugged people a lot. Vampires as well I thought smiling.

I spent some time at the hospital. Arial seemed to have forgotten that she was mad at me for paying John's bills. The smile had not left her face.

I decided to leave. I had a lot of explaining to do.

Having reached home, I saw both Chris and Casey sitting on the sofa.

"You are finally back," Casey said in a bit angry tone.

"Care to explain," Chris demanded. I sat and told them them the entire story.

"Why did you take the risk Nic? We cannot go around saving people. It's something natural. New people are born everyday and so do they die. We cannot interfere in it," Casey said. What she said was true. It was something natural. We could not alter it.

"Cas, I just....John reminded me of granddad. I couldn't see him dying. And also Ar...yeah that's it. I didn't want to lose him," I said.

"Why didn't you complete your sentence?" Chris asked.

"Its nothing. Just this," I replied. Chris was extremely observant. He never missed anything.

"Nic, I have already warned you. Don't make me say it again."

"It's nothing like that Chris. Just I...I can't see her cry. I feel bad for her. I myself don't know why."

"You have started falling for her Nic," Casey said.

"I'm not," I stated.

"Yes you are," Chris said.

"Think about it properly," Casey said just before leaving.

I was falling for her? No way. I just wanted to help her out.

I thought about it. A lot. Did I actually like her? I don't know. She seems like a sweet girl though. Her smiling face came into my mind. I started smiling like an idiot.

I thought and thought about it. Maybe I had started liking her. Who can resist such a girl?

I never had any kind of relationship before. I don't know what this stuff is. What is love like? I don't have a single idea about it.

My room door opened and Chris walked in.

"Did you realise it ?" he asked.

"What is love Chris? How do you know if you like someone?"

He came and sat on my bed.

"There's no definition of love. It is different for everyone. For me, love is something that you cannot live without. You become an idiot in love honestly. Look at me dude. I cannot refuse to anything Casey says. I go along with her where ever she wants me to go. I can't stay without her. Ever. It's like she is my life. If I had a heart, she would be my heart beat."

"How did you know you loved her?" I asked. Although I wasn't in love with Arial. But I think I do like her.

"Well it took me a long time to realise it. We had always been friends.I liked her everything but I didn't realise that I liked her. Entirely.I thought about her and kept smiling like an idiot. It was like her face was fixed in my mind. She was the one to propose. After that I realised that I loved her too."

I looked down and thought about what he said. I did think of her and smile. In fact I keep thinking about her all the time almost. Her smile, dance, the way she says my name, etc etc.

"Look Nic, it was different for me and Cas. She was a vampire too. Your case is not the same. She's a mere human. She doesn't even know we exist. For her we are just fictional creatures made by novelists."

I knew exactly what he meant. Even if I liked her, I could never admit it. Never. She'd run away from me. I was a monster. I would turn her life upside down by revealing my true identity.

I need to think about this. Carefully.

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