Chapter Three: Secret Admirer

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"Incorrect! Sit down Moody, ugh." Mr. Philipps said distastefully. They were having yet another one of his famous spelling bees and at the moment, Anne was competing. But, this spelling bee was a bit different from what they've always had, because sitting nonchalantly beside the teacher is our very own Gilbert Blythe. Mr. Philipps had asked Gilbert to give the spelling words instead rather than competing because as Mr. Philipps had said, "Let's give the others a chance. If you compete, it'll surely be a clean sweep."
A remark which Anne was less than pleased to hear. This was pure prejudice! She had won as much spelling bees as Gilbert had and their academic records were perfectly toe to toe! Why can't she give the spelling words? Her voice projection and diction was just as, if not, clearer than Gilbert Blythe's, she thought to herself.

So there she stands, in front of the class with her hands at her back. She felt quite uncomfortable, what with all the eyes trailed on her but stood proudly nonetheless. It was the third round of the game and Moody Spurgeon had just misspelled the word audacity, leaving only Billy Andrews, Michael Jones and dearest Anne. She stood between the two boys who were both wearing smug smiles on their faces, but Anne kept a straight face. She was still not completely over the absolute injustice that Mr. Philipps has shown towards her. I am just as much of a top student as Gilbert Blythe is, why shouldn't I be the one giving the spelling words? Anne thought.

"Spell..." Gilbert started, his eyes wandering around the room which then settled on Anne. The second their gaze met, Anne averted and looked down at her old, ragged shoes.

"Enthralling." Gilbert finally said breaking the silence that settled. Unbeknownst to her control, Anne's eyes looked up, unexpectedly meeting Gilbert's. He had a sly, almost unnoticeable smirk which vanished almost as soon as it appeared, oh but it was there and Anne saw.
She immediately broke eye contact and looked else where, praying that the game would soon be over. She highly disliked being scrutinized.

"E-N-T-H-R-A..." Michael trailed off. "W?"

"Incorrect, Mr. Jones, take your seat." Mr. Philipps declared monotonously.

"Well, well. What a surprise Mr. Andrews. You've been doing academically well these days!" Mr. Philipps complemented.

"Thank you, Sir. I've been trying. " Billy proudly said and looked at Anne. "Good luck, Anne." He said, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips.
Anne bit the inside of her cheek, her hands turning into fists in annoyance. Billy Andrews had always been the school bully and his favorite subject would always be Anne. He picked on her to no end, calling her names and throwing things at her. Anne is at her wits end, but she calmed herself.

"Billy Andrews, please step forward." Gilbert formally said. "Spell..." He started, his eyes drifting to Anne once more, but instead of looking away, this time, she looked straight back.

"Iridescent." Gilbert finished, no trace of a smile on his face now. He looked at Anne sincerely, and Anne looked back. Her pale cheeks now warm and red but she tried to seem unwavered.

"I-R-I-D-E-S-C-E-N-T." Billy said in confidence.

"Correct." Gilbert declared, breaking his gaze with Anne. "Anne. Spelled with an 'e', please step forward." He wittily remarked, earning chuckles from the class, including Mr. Philipps.
Anne had always been known to inform people during introduction that her name is spelled with an 'e' since according to her, the name is plain enough as it is without it.
Anne, of course, did not find this funny. She kept her face expressionless and stepped forward.

"Spell...." He paused. "Oblivious." He said as he smiled warmly at her but his eyes held a different meaning; as if trying to tell her something. But Anne paid no mind to it and focused. "Oblivious. O-B-L-I-V-I-O-U-S." She firmly stated without a pause.

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