-Chapter Eighteen-

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Harry and Louis walked around the Zoo together their hands swinging between them and Harry was finally happy and content with his life, the animals all seemed to be mated up as well which made Harry feel even better.

They sat down in the small café in the Zoo, their legs entwining beneath the table as they looked more at each other than the menu in their hands.

“So as it’s your non-birthday birthday, what would you like to do tonight?” Louis asked

“If I’m honest, a film night with everyone would be great” Harry shrugged and Louis smiled and nodded as the waitress walked over to them

“What can I get you?” She asked

“Harry?” Louis smiled

“The burger?” Harry shrugged; it was the only thing he remembered from the menu

“I’ll go the same” Louis nodded, she walked off and Louis reached out for Harrys hand, Harry gave it willingly and smiled

“You’re the first person I’ve ever met who’s walked a penguin” Louis grinned

“Well everyone is missing out completely” Harry grinned

“Are you going to walk your cat?” Louis grinned back at him

“Why not?” Harry chuckled “I’ll show her the world”

“Am I invited?” Louis pouted

“That depends” Harry said looking thoughtful

“On what?” Louis asked curiously

“How well our prank on Niall, Liam and Zayn goes” Harry said grinning

“We’ll have to plan this over the next few days, make this better than any we’ve pulled on each other” Louis said “Recon we’ll make quite the team

“Ask Perrie for some tips, she helped me out with some” Harry said playing with Louis’ thumb

“Okay, but before we even get around to planning that, Would you do the honours of officially being my boyfriend?” Louis asked looking hopeful

“Duh” Harry grinned “Course”

Louis smiled and grabbed Harrys other arm, pulling a sharpie from his jean pocket and writing a message on his cast, Harry was still a little embarrassed it had a massive penis drawn on it, but no-one seemed to have commented on it which made it better

“You’re due to get it checked out aren’t you?” Louis asked

“On Thursday” Harry nodded

“Want me to drive you?” He smiled capping the sharpie, and kissing Harrys hand gently.

Harry turned his wrist to read the message Louis had left and looked back at Louis

Hope it doesn’t hurt too bad anymore, baby. Sorry L

“It doesn’t hurt so much anymore but it gets so itchy” Harry whined, Louis smiled looking guilty as their burgers were placed before them and Harry squeezed Louis’ hand before they were forced to let go.

They ate quite quickly and Louis kept glancing guiltily at Harry wrist

“I really am sorry about your wrist though” He finally spoke up

“Louis!” Harry said seriously “It’s fine”

“It isn’t though” He groaned “you could have been hurt even worse than that”

“But I wasn’t” Harry replied through the last bite of his burger. He cleaned off his fingers on a napkin and sighed at Louis

“you’ve got nothing to be sorry for anymore, okay?” Harry said leaning over the table and kissing Louis gently before returning to his seat. Louis sighed but nodded and Harry knew that until his cast was off Louis would see it and blame himself every time

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