{Chapter XIII} | Never Told Me

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Hey guys! Ugh i haven't made an authors note in foreverrr lol because i couldn't come up with any questions or i was just too lazy to write on ha

well anyways todays is QOTD: What is one thing that you've grown to hate/dislike recently?

Well for me, I personally hate body shaming. I think it's really rude and disgusing how some people bring other people down just because they aren't content with how they look. I don't know i just find it really replusive and i hate the fact that i catch myself doing it as well. Ugh, i think we're all guilty of it.

Well, from my personal experiences, i hate when a heavier set person says something like "Gosh you're so skinny! Eat a burger or something!" Like ummm no, how about you go sit in the corner with your judgmental fcking ass.

OR when people post stuff like "Men love girls with some meat, only dogs go for bones!" Oh really? Because last time i checked, men go for their own preferences and not for a specific type -.-

Well, i just think we should all just stop hating on each other's body type. Just because someone is skinnier or bigger than you doesn't make you ANY better than them. Love who you are! If you don't like something, change it, just don't go around hurting someone else's feelings just so you can feel better about yourself. it's rude and bitchy and just unnecessary 

okay that was really long lmfao well i hope you guys enjoy the chapter! Oh and i had to like put these weird letters in the curses words because wattpad would've rated the chapter R so yeah it might look weird haha

love, katie xx


Brooke rests her chin on the palm of her hand, completely engrossed in Natalie’s proposition. “I had to admit this, but, what you have is a pretty good plan. I actually like it. What do you think about it Lori?” Brooke’s eyes flicker to her.

Looking away from her phone, Lori says. “I like the idea but I think it could be better.” She shrugs her shoulders and yawns. “I’m tired.”

Natalie contemplates in her seat for a while. All of this is hilarious to her, their cluelessness being the most. Every fiber of her being is fighting back the urge to kick them out of her house and as much as she wants it to triumph, it can’t. Well, not yet. Her main goal as of now is to make them well aware that her loyalty lies within them and with no other and a smile paints itself across her face when the perfect idea springs to mind.

“I think I have a better idea,” Natalie says. “You guys know how I’m good at literature right?”

Brooke nods and bewilderedly, Lori says, “You’re good at literature? Since when?”

“Since forever. I’m not taking AP courses for nothing,” Natalie says and she laughs not only at Lori’s questions but at her stupidity as well. “But anyway, scratch everything I said about him needing someone to trust. Harry’s in my lit class and I’m almost positive that he’s failing. I can talk to Mrs. Ro and see if she’ll be interested in having me tutor him. That way, he’ll gain my trust and I’ll be able to slip the baggie in myself.”

“Pretty awesome right?” Natalie says. She wears a smug smirk on her face.

“Yeah,” Lori says. “That’s amazing but what if he doesn’t want you to tutor him? What if he wants someone else?”

“Someone else, as in London?” Natalie scoffs. “I highly doubt it. That bítch doesn’t want anything to with him as of now. Beside, everyone knows that if you’re on a sport, you have to maintain a certain GPA and Harry knows better than to get himself kicked off the team. He’ll need my help whether he wants to believe it or not.”

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